- I Mean Us 6000˚C 歌詞
- UQiYO I Mean Us
世上生命 All lives in the world 來來往往 Who won't come and go 別為我悲傷 Don't be sad for me 你終會在那找到我 Cause you will find me there 何必費心尋光亮 Don't bother looking for the light 它一直都在那裡 'T Will always be right there 別忘了擦乾眼淚 Don't forget to dry your beady eyes 每滴淚珠都如此美麗 Cause every tears are beautiful 不必只追求愛 愛のみを求めなくていい 不必尋找光它一直都在那裡 光を探す必要ないそれは既にそこに在るから 別費心尋求愛 Don't bother asking for the love 不要害怕讓它進入你的心中 Don't be afraid to let it in your heart 愛其實只是一種理性的行為 Love indeed is only rational act 我們要超越它 We gotta transcend it 希望世界更美好 Hope for a better world 設想這樣做 Conceive of doing so 淚水落入海中 Tears drop in the sea 就像一切開始的地方 Like where it all begun 別費心尋找跡象 Don't bother looking for the sign 跡象未必正確 Sign will not always be right 別忘了擦乾眼淚 Don't forget to dry your beady eyes 因為眼淚,太美了 Cause tears, they are too beautiful 我還有多少時間 How much more time do I have 學會死亡,也就學會了生活 Once you learn how to die you'll learn how to live 這比我自己的生命更重要嗎 Do I need this more than my own life 堅持住,兄弟,超越它 Hold it, brother, transcend it 世上生命 All lives in the world 皆來來往往 Who won't come and go 別為我悲傷 Don't be sad for me 你終會在那找到我 Cause you will find me there 當一切都變得黑暗不堪時 Oh when everything goes black and unbearable 頭部麻木 And numb in the head 不管怎麼走,都不要怕被淹沒 No matter what go all the way don't be afraid of drowning 因為一切都將是無常的 Cause everything will be impermanent 當世界瀕臨毀滅的邊緣 When the world is on a verge 不用費心去找跡象和道路了 Don't bother looking for the sign, the path 他會在小鎮的另一邊等待你和我 He'll be there waiting for you and me on the other side of town 幫助我們超越它 Help us transcend it