- She Wants Revenge Out Of Control 歌詞
- She Wants Revenge
- With her high heel against the wall
她將高跟鞋抵在牆上 Kind of dancing though not at all 狀似跳舞卻又不甚成形 She had stockings running up to her thighs 絲襪一路攀升直抵她的大腿 Snaps her fingers to keep the time 她輕打響指配合節拍 From the back of the room I saw her there 在房間一角我看到了她 I said she wants to be alone and I shouldnt dare 心想她大概想要獨處我不該貿然打擾 But then she noticed me glance at her 但緊接著她便發現了正注視著她的我 I had no choice but to dance with her 我沒有選擇只有與她共舞 The lights they glow sideways and up and down 燈光閃爍斑斕迷離 The beat takes you over and spins you round 節奏掌控了你使你旋轉不停 Our hearts steady-beating the sweat turns to cold 我們心臟穩定跳動汗液逐漸變冷 Were slaves to the DJ and out of control 我們成了DJ的奴隸已經失控
我欣賞著她的舞步看她扭動臀部 I watched her feet move her hips they sway 她將長發一甩然後對我開口說 Does a hair flip then starts to say 哦天哪,這是我最愛的那首歌 Oh, my God, its my favorite song 我將她拉近她唱起了那首歌 I pull her close and she sings along 我們無法減速那是徒勞的嘗試 We cant slow down even if we tried 只要唱片繼續旋轉我也將一樣 If the record keeps spinning so will I 她喜歡迪斯科她味道像眼淚 She likes disco and tastes like a tear 她叫我繼續跳舞不要停並開始將我拉近 Tells me dont stop dancing and shes pulling me near 燈光閃爍斑斕迷離 The lights they glow sideways and up and down 節奏掌控了你使你旋轉不停 The beat takes you over and spins you round 我們心臟穩定跳動汗液逐漸變冷 Our hearts steady-beating the sweat turns to cold 我們成了DJ的奴隸已經失控 Were slaves to the DJ and out of control 我們無處可去我們不求認同 Weve got nowhere to go weve got nothing to prove 比起獨自起舞 Instead of dancing alone 我更應與你共舞 I should be dancing with you 這首歌使我心馳神蕩這節奏使我意亂情迷 This song is turning me on the beat is doing me in 又或許只是因為你 Or maybe its only you 算了都行吧讓我們開始吧 but either way lets begin 我們無處可去我們不求認同 Weve got nowhere to go weve got nothing to prove 比起獨自起舞 Instead of dancing alone 我更應與你共舞 I should be dancing with you 這首歌使我心馳神蕩這節奏使我意亂情迷 This song is turning me on the beat is doing me in 又或許只是因為你 Or maybe its only you 算了都行吧讓我們開始吧 but either way lets begin 我們無處可去我們不求認同 Weve got nowhere to go weve got nothing to prove 比起獨自起舞 Instead of dancing alone 我更應與你共舞 I should be dancing with you 這首歌使我心馳神蕩這節奏使我意亂情迷 This song is turning me on the beat is doing me in 又或許只是因為你 Or maybe its only you 算了都行吧讓我們開始吧 but either way lets begin 燈光閃爍斑斕迷離 The lights they glow sideways and up and down 節奏掌控了你使你旋轉不停 The beat takes you over and spins you round 我們的心臟穩定跳動汗液逐漸變冷 Our hearts steady-beating the sweat turns to cold 我們成了DJ的奴隸已經失控 Were slaves to the DJ and out of control 燈光閃爍斑斕迷離 The lights they glow sideways and up and down 節奏掌控了你使你旋轉不停 The beat takes you over and spins you round 我們的心臟穩定跳動汗液逐漸變冷 Our hearts steady-beating the sweat turns to cold 我們成了DJ的奴隸已經失控 Were slaves to the DJ and out of control