- 金子同學 太牛了 歌詞
- 百寸兒 金子同學
- 百寸100inch製作
100 inch production 太牛了沒sei了真是太牛了 Its amazing. No SEI. Its amazing 太牛了牛啊哥簡直無敵了 Its amazing. Im invincible 太牛了沒sei了真是太牛了 Its amazing. No SEI. Its amazing 太牛了沒sei了絕對是頭子 Its amazing. No SEI. Its the boss 你太牛了~啦啦啦啦~ Youre amazing! Cheerleading~ 你無敵了~啦啦啦啦~ You are invincible~ 你太強了~啦啦啦啦~ Youre so strong. Cheerleading~ 你真牛啊~啦啦啦啦~ Youre amazing! Cheerleading~ 聽說你發了首新歌我要評論你太牛了 I heard that you sent a new song. I want to comment on you 偷了個伴奏在抄個flow老鐵老鐵你太牛了 Stealing a accompaniment is copying flow old iron , old fellow, you are too old fellow. 老鐵你太牛了聽說你又組建個廠牌老鐵你太牛了 Old iron, you are too young to hear that you have set up a brand old old fellow. You are too old fellow. 誰能救救我的耳朵老鐵老鐵我太難了! Old fellow old fellow, who can save my ears? 不想听歌不想听歌 Dont want to listen to music dont want to listen to music 都在那裡無病呻吟糊了了 Its all over there 17 8歲就化身情聖 At the age of 17-8, he became a lover 歷經太多險惡你的故事可真多 Youve had so many bad stories 聽了你奮鬥的事蹟感動的我流淚叭嚓直流淚 Listening to your struggle, I was moved to tears 頭腦風暴編個劇本打開交友軟件就為了認識新的迷妹兒 Brainstorm a script, open dating software to meet new fans 我是朋友圈的巨星 Im a superstar in the circle of friends aka社會的巨嬰 Giant baby of aka Society 我是被洗腦的憤青 Im a brainwashed angry youth 不小心錯亂了神經 I accidentally lost my nerve call me 說唱屆的精英 The elite of call me en~你的讚美真動聽 EN ~ your praise is so sweet 戲劇性得了抑鬱病 Dramatic depression 原來是土味文藝復興 It turned out to be the local flavor Renaissance. giao giao 一giao我裡giaogiao A GIAO in my house 別跟我瞎胡鬧我哥是誰你知不知道 Dont fool around with me. Do you know who my brother is 什麼我都想要最多也是喊個口號花唄額度我最高 I want everything. I want to shout a slogan. I want to spend the most money 今晚找營銷開卡座租個黑桃我的畫面非常燥 Tonight, Im looking for a marketing card holder to rent a spade. My picture is very dry 兄弟借我20 我的c200加油必須加最高的標號 Brother, lend me 20 my C200. You have to add the highest label 太牛了沒sei了真是太牛了 Its amazing. No SEI. Its amazing 太牛了牛啊哥簡直無敵了 Its amazing. Im invincible 太牛了沒sei了真是太牛了 Its amazing. No SEI. Its amazing 太牛了沒sei了絕對是頭子 Its amazing. No SEI. Its the boss 你太牛了~啦啦啦啦~ Youre amazing! Cheerleading~ 你無敵了~啦啦啦啦~ You are invincible~ 你太強了~啦啦啦啦~ Youre so strong. Cheerleading~ 你真牛啊~啦啦啦啦~ Youre amazing! Cheerleading~ 老牛撞電線牛x又閃電 Old ox hit the wire ox x lightning 那麼拽那麼酷炫 So cool 業務水平很老練 Very experienced in business 一瞅小樣兒還未成年 Look at the small sample. Its under age 井底之蛙沒見過世面 Frog at the bottom of the well has never seen the world 發朋友圈要個排面 Send a friends circle and ask for a row of noodles 新歌發布評論留住有沒有老妹跟我處? New song release comments to keep old sister with me? 大哥喝了二兩二鍋頭 Big brother drank two or two pot heads 想當年本山跟他熟 I think Benshan was familiar with him 艾倫郭給他撿過球 Alan Guo picked up the ball for him 張作霖一生都沒他牛 Zhang zuolin hasno cattle in his life 誰誰都認識大奔馳他開著去辦事 Everyone knows big Benz. He drives to work 單槍匹馬全擺平 Single handedly and completely 第二天一打電話哎呀媽呀老弟這事兒真不行 The next day, when I called, I couldnt do it 嘮最硬的磕當最大的哥 The toughest nag is the biggest brother 甩給你最大的鍋 Throw it to your biggest pot 滿嘴跑火車要么往死作 Run the train or die 咋的還不讓別人說 Why dont you let others say 年頭短的追求技術 The pursuit of technology in a short time 年頭長的追求藝術 The pursuit of Art 前提你的人設得能立柱 If your people can stand up 出門別光屁股 Dont go out naked 讓你奶奶縫上那個開襠褲 Let your grandmother sew on the crotch pants 想在跑車裡做夢你現在開不起BYD I want to dream in a sports car. You can t drive a BYD now 想要人民幣放屁太陽落山了你才起 You cant get up until the sun sets 找不著工作你只能去直播在網絡上嘚吧嘚 You cant find a job. You have to go live on the Internet 沒有人給你雙擊666 留言全是呵呵 No ones double clicking 666. Its all hehe 太牛了沒sei了真是太牛了 Its amazing. No SEI. Its amazing 太牛了牛啊哥簡直無敵了 Its amazing. Im invincible 太牛了沒sei了真是太牛了 Its amazing. No SEI. Its amazing 太牛了沒sei了絕對是頭子