- 胡司睿_SiRi FEEL GOOD 歌詞
- 桑小貓 胡司睿_SiRi
- mix by Young We
封面by Cmyyy1991 微博 胡司睿_SiRi: 要么讓我看到宇宙 要么蒙上我的眼睛 要么繼續出人頭地 要么生活負擔減輕 要么你就告訴我說選擇放棄 要么就花三十分鐘把我忘記 我不敢相信生活可以這麼複雜 當我快要撐不下去 But I see another girl is dancing on me another day another way another ambition another player another game another rain(睿) another me boy from the double 9 十九歲的我並沒有選擇冷眼旁觀 十九歲也沒有選擇徹夜狂歡 十九歲的我的性格變得更加沉默 十九歲的我搭上了一個新的航班 f**king go take me f**king go take me take me another world take me another world take me another girl boy can you feel that 到底是真實還是存在於想像的夢境 can you feel that can you feel that 終將突破這重力 can you see me can you save me 這是你自己走的路 有多難你得有個數 穿梭冒險和冒險 這壓力勉強守得住 still young still rapper still boy still Arthur still hard be me still on my way still I m in still yeah I feel good yeah I feel good yeah I feel good yeah I feel good yeah I feel still young still rapper still boy still Arthur still hard be me still on my way still boy you only live once 桑小貓: How to get back to the good times Why am I so sad I' m falling apart Why do I always feel so tired Just got a lot in my mind Welcome to the real life 我知道我做的這些都還遠遠不夠 但怎麼還在原地打轉 時間在不動聲色的推著我走 也偶爾送我一個彩蛋 越來越懂得什麼是良藥苦口 別總是忙著自我審判 可能真的沒有所謂的感同身受 如夢似幻的故事講不完 生活是場冒險選擇了那就不要抱怨 把想法全部兌現不怕過程有多艱難拿回屬於我的發言權 從小到大總是那麼任性 習慣把彎路也當成風景 逞強做不一樣的形狀 去成為爸媽依靠的肩膀 得到和付出是否成正比 淌過淚水就是成人禮 身邊太多噪音他們都想來刺激 就算頭破血流可你仍然還是你 你說我終會看到光 時間殺死我的恐懼 我不停突破所以身上帶著傷 But I feel so I feel good I feel good Bae how about you how about you I know something bothers me something bothers me Nothing can stop me Don’t worry don’t worry 伴奏太好聽了就留下來了=v=