- 李米歇爾 smooth operator 歌詞
- 李米歇爾
- Diamond life
精彩奢華的人生 lover boy 多情的男孩 ]He move in space with minimum waste and maximum joy ]他四處遊蕩,用最小的代價換取最多的快樂 City lights and business nights 在城市的白天與黑夜 When you require streetcar desire for higher heights 當你的需求欲使你行駛到更高處 No place for beginners or sensitive hearts 這裡沒有初學者和玻璃心的一席之地 When sentiment is left to chance 當機會棄感情而去 No place to be ending but somewhere to start 沒有這樣一個地方,它既是終點又是起點 No need to ask 不需要疑問 Hes a smooth operator,smooth operator 他就是個調情聖手,調情聖手 smooth operator,smooth operator 調情聖手,調情聖手 Coast to coast, LA to Chicago, western male 輾轉於港口,從洛杉磯到芝加哥,西部的男人 Across the north and south, to Key Largo, love for sale 穿越南北,到弗羅里達,兜售著愛情 Face to face, each classic case 面對面的,每次都很嫻熟 We shadow box and double cross 我們都被他蒙蔽 Yet need the chase 也仍然在追尋結果 A license to love, insurance to hold 沉淪於愛情無法自拔 Melts all your memories and change into gold 融化你的記憶然後轉化為他的金錢 His eyes are like angels but his heart is cold 他擁有天使的面孔但冷血無情 No need to ask 不需要疑問 Hes a smooth operator,smooth operator 他就是個調情聖手,調情聖手 smooth operator,smooth operator 調情聖手,調情聖手 Coast to coast, LA to Chicago, western male 輾轉於港口,從洛杉磯到芝加哥,西部的男人 Across the north and south, to Key Largo, love for sale 穿越南北,到弗羅里達,兜售著愛情 smooth operator,smooth operator 調情聖手,調情聖手 smooth operator,smooth operator 調情聖手,調情聖手 smooth operator,smooth operator 調情聖手,調情聖手 smooth operator ,smooth operator 調情聖手,調情聖手 smooth operator,smooth operator 調情聖手,調情聖手