- The Revivalists move on 歌詞
- The Revivalists
來解決吧好好處理你的愛 This is a stick up, Im here for your love 你的愛陰影一樣尾隨我至今 Its coming with me where Im going 離我遠點注意影響我們盡快解決 Just keep your distance so we can end this, 別小事化大成了頭條 Without making it a headline story 給過你機會這次按我的方式來 Youve had your shot but now well do things my way 你舉起手槍一陣光亮 Her pistols cocked and the flash was blinding 你真的想在許願池邊度過一生
為非賣品拋盡最後一枚硬幣? Do you really wanna live your life inside a wishing well 你真的要在凌晨五點對冰冷的撥號音說你愛我 Youll be spending more than your last dime buying **** that aint for sale 然後對往後人生進行不合格瞎想? Do you really have to scream I love you to a dial tone at 5 am 放手走吧 Thinking things could never be this good again 放手走吧 Move on alone 擦乾你眼淚享受單身 Move on alone 自由並非一文不值
身處都市叢林只能向飢餓屈服 So rub your eyelids, enjoy the silence 每個人的手都不干淨 Cuz freedom doesnt count for nothing 我回憶過去看見大規模狼藉 Give in to hunger cuz in the jungle 狼藉被你上次爆發的火山灰所掩蓋 Everybodys stealing something 你真的想在許願池邊度過一生 Im looking back and seeing mass destruction 為非賣品拋盡最後一枚硬幣? Covered in ash from your last eruption 你真的要在凌晨五點對冰冷的撥號音說你愛我
然後對往後人生進行不合格瞎想? Do you really wanna live your life inside a wishing well 放手走吧 Youll be spending more than your last dime buying **** that aint for sale 你真的想在許願池邊度過一生? Do you really have to scream I love you to a dial tone at 5 am 為非賣品拋盡最後一枚硬幣 Thinking things could never be this good again 你真的要在凌晨五點對冰冷的撥號音說你愛我 Move on alone 然後對往後人生進行不合格瞎想?
放手走吧 Do you really wanna live your life inside a wishing well Youll be spending more than your last dime buying **** that aint for sale Do you really have to scream I love you to a dial tone at 5 am Thinking things could never be this good again Move on alone