- ¡ Mayday! Shortcuts and Dead Ends 歌詞
- ¡ Mayday!
- [Verse 1: Bernz]
我該從哪裡開始呢?我有著數不盡條命 Where do I start? I have mo lives than I can count 夜裡有數不盡的人在瘋狂,衝進了人群中的繁華 Had one too many all nighters, Out here surfin these crowds 當你每天都從另一個的城鎮裡醒過來你就很難記住身邊一切到底是怎麼樣的了 And its hard to remember names when erryday you wake up in a different town 所以當你覺得你身邊空無一人的時候你要想好你到底想做什麼 So be careful what you wishin for, when you think noones around 當我第一次跟你聯絡打了一個招呼那時的景像還在讓我心煩意亂 Got a first contract, on that contact ha, still blows my mind 我確實想要更深入的跟你接觸無論你在何地我始終如一 Had to became more, than became worldwide, hold up 可我已然錯的太深了我想讓一切重頭來過 Man I went too far, gotta go back to the start 聽著車上的rap 感受著車庫裡的節拍看著牆上的老鼠我不止陷入沉思 Raps in the car, beats in the garage, and rats in the walls 我從未知道還有像我們這種關係的人比我們更了解彼此我還以為我們已經步入正軌了 Never knew another crew iller than ours, we on course 不是因為我走的這幾次彎路而是我在追尋她的路上身上失去了信念 Not with a few detours, but on the way I lost faith in my idols 該死的才發現我已踏上了自我毀滅的旅程我們曾一起見到了能讓苟且之人像是在教會復興中的天使一樣歌唱的事情 Found Wrek damn near suicidal, see we both seen things thatll make a thief sing like a angel in a church revival 所以我們有時也會在人們面前作秀甚至在大庭廣眾之下演戲去保證我們自己的生存環境 So we did a few shows and we did a few tours, to ensure our own personal survival 這些成就了我在人生中的捷徑,也是最後發現這造成了我的死路一條還有我失去的朋友和心中的惡魔和我在今天傍晚失去的那些感情 This for my shortcuts and my dead ends, and my dead friends, and my demons, and my lack of feelins this evenin 我一直想做一些事情卻忙於這些瑣事 Ive been meanin to do this, been busy makin these hits 或許我們只是當時那幾個想在那些婊子身上實現我們夢想的發小 See we just some neighborhood kids tryin to live our dreams out in this bitch 我大概只要在我有錢了的時候才會停止這些作為我知道這聽起來很自私 And I probably wont stop till Im rich, and I know that sounds selfish 把太多時間放在自我滿足上我的那些女孩才會變得這麼嫉妒 Spent so much time on my muuuuse, that my girls always jealous 儘管最後我會對此後悔的 In the end Im probably gonna have some regrets 但這並不會掩埋我的努力 But they wont outshine my attempts 當一切都塵埃落定了我們就不會像現在這樣停滯不前了 When its all said and done we aint here that long 那時就會讓你在河邊濕一次鞋了 Better get your feet wet! 可我現在陷入水深火熱之中
我在試圖克制我心中的惡意 [Hook] 接受我的缺點和不足 Im treading water in the deep end 還有我的捷徑和悲慘結局 Im tryin to kill off all my demons 我現在已經陷得太深了 Embrace my flaws and all my defects 我在嘗試殺死我心中的惡魔 And my shortcuts and dead ends 把我的缺點和心病都利用起來 Im treading water in the deep end 接受我及將走向的盡頭 Im tryin to kill off all my demons 我所謂的手段同樣也是死路 Embrace my flaws and all my defects 為了我的捷徑和結局 And my shortcuts and dead ends 最終逃不過的落幕 My shortcuts and dead ends 該讓我從哪裡開始? 我浴火重生過無數次 For my shortcuts and dead ends 我打破桎梏並沖向正軌讓人生繼續我從未改變過這條路 Dead ends 回到那我還很年輕的時候93年只是為了好玩而已
縱然我知道我的家人是不會去理會我如何規劃我的未來 [Verse 2: Wrekonize] 那時的我寫著歌給我妹妹看她跟著一起唱 Where do I start? Ive shed more skins than I can count 她直至今天都還會唱這首歌我真的是愛死她了這就是我們的羈絆 Broke chains to run the races, got it goin and I never tried to change the route 卻好久沒見過你了因為我離開了那裡很遺憾而且那已經有一段時間了 Started back when I wasyoung, 93, just for fun 但我很感激你你從未走得太遠我一定有一天會帶著令你滿意的條件回到你身邊 Even though I knew my fam would never doubt the plan for whatever it was Id become 你了解的比任何人都多對於我有多想說出我的心聲 There I was, writin songs, showed my sister, she sang along 你在那裡在一個對你這種天才來說才配得上的舞台上大展宏圖我會在台下為之不斷戰鬥 And she still sings to this day, I ****in love you for that, we got such a bond 我們分開了但我們也不會在意的我會付好租金留下你那份位置 Aint seen you much, you moved away, real shame that its been awhile 買點書買點糖別緊張我還挺的住 But Im thankful, you aint even out that far, I got to come and hold your newborn child 我剛聽說在音樂電視的103頻道有幾首我的伴奏 You knew more, than anyone could, how I wished to sing my songs 餵Jessie 你看到我淚流滿面的樣子了嗎終於等到他們注意到我的時候了 You were there, at the talent shows and all my battles to cheer me on 全部帶走全部帶回家簽好了協議沒錯我同意 We were broke, but we aint care, Ill pay rent , keep your share 但是一切都無法那麼的按照計劃進行就如我現在正獨自坐在候診室門口 Buy some books, buy some candy, dont you stress, big bro here 上了專輯加入了樂隊給他們簽了名終於有了一些粉絲 I just heard, on 103, theres some comp on MTV (Word?) 也失去了一些家人交了一些朋友賺了一些錢也全部被花了個完 Hey Jess watch this ima tear shit down, wait till they get a load of me 直到最後我都在試圖不讓自己後悔因為我一直在努力地做出嘗試 Took it all, brought it home, signed a deal, yeah Im on 待到繁花落盡時情人終有相逢日 But it aint go down just quite as planned, Im in the waitin room all alone 我必將帶你墜入愛河 Shelved the album, joined a band, we got signed, gained some fans 我生活在水深火熱之中 Lost some family, made some friends, earned some dollars, they got spent 我不斷地試圖阻止另一個我控制一切 In the end Imma try to not have me regrets, cause I always made the attempt 利用好他的邪惡和反叛心理 When its all said and done we aint out here long 走向我曇花一現的美好生活 Better get your feet wet! 我隨時一步就會墜入深淵
卻不斷戰鬥戰勝困難 [Hook] 克服缺點與不足 Im treading water in the deep end 不走捷徑而且踏實進步 Im tryin to kill off all my demons 現在開始已經晚了 Embrace my flaws and all my defects 我走過的捷徑將置我於死地 And my shortcuts and dead ends 咎由自取 Im treading water in the deep end Im tryin to kill off all my demons Embrace my flaws and all my defects And my shortcuts and dead ends My shortcuts and dead ends For my shortcuts and dead ends Dead ends