- Churchill change 歌詞
- Churchill
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為了讓你賞識我我不惜偽裝自己 To make you want me I can fabricate the truth 我讓你順心如意儘管這使我如履薄冰 Ill give you easy itll keep me destitute 你勒令我遵循著標准我快要被勒死了 You hang me up on the line, hang me out to dry 你倒是沒什麼損失 And you got nothing to lose 你編造著只符合幻想的故事 Youve got the story all made up inside your head 你把我塑造成你想要的樣子 You write me out of it and use your words instead 你把我捧得高不可攀,卻又要求我處處迎合 You hold me just out of reach, but you keep me pounding the beat 迎合你心目中的所有 To take all the soul you can get 你想改變我,重塑我,偽造我 You want me to change, change, change 你想要的是另一個“我” You want me to change 你想改變我,重塑我,偽造我 You want me to change, change, change 你想要的是另一個“我” You want me to change 你不做任何讓步,不給任何選擇 You take no chances and you give no other choice 你只顧中飽私囊,榨乾了我的嗓音 You fill your pockets and you empty out my voice 你竟然用淺薄無知和陳詞濫調來交換我金子般的心 You use the shallow and old, trade the heart for the gold 你把我的歌聲看的一文不值 You sell the song for the noise 你想改變我,重塑我,偽造我 You want me to change, change, change 你想要的是另一個“我” You want me to change 你想改變我,重塑我,偽造我 You want me to change, change, change 你想要的是另一個“我” You want me to change 你想改變我,重塑我,偽造我 You want me to change, change, change 你想要的是另一個“我” You want me to change 你想改變我,重塑我,偽造我 You want me to change, change, change 你想要的是另一個“我” You want me to change 你想改變我,重塑我,偽造我 You want me to change, change, change 你想要的是另一個“我” You want me to change 你想改變我,重塑我,偽造我 You want me to change, change, change 你想要的是另一個“我” You want me to change 你想改變我,重塑我,偽造我 You want me to change, change, change 你想要的是另一個“我” You want me to change 你想改變我,重塑我,偽造我 You want me to change, change, change 你想要的是另一個“我” You want me to change 你想改變我,重塑我,偽造我 You want me to change, change, change 你想要的是另一個“我” You want me to change 你想改變我,重塑我,偽造我 You want me to change, change, change 你想要的不是真正的我 You want me to change