- Bronson CALL OUT 歌詞
- Bronson
- [Chorus]
它們傾巢而出 It all calls out 就在現在 For now, for now 它們撲天蓋地 It all comes down 就在當下 For now, for now 皆因我在召喚 'Cause I called out 就在現在 For now, for now 它們席捲而來 It all comes down 就在當下 For now, for now 皆因我在召喚 'Cause I called out 皆因我在召喚 'Cause I called out 皆因我在召喚 'Cause I called out 它們來勢洶洶 [Chorus] 皆因我在召喚 It all comes down 就在現在 'Cause I called out 它們張牙舞爪 For now, for now 就在當下 It all comes down 皆因我在召喚 For now, for now 現在的一切都是你的錯 'Cause I called out 發生這一切造成這局面 [Bridge] 現在的一切都是你的錯 It's all your fault and all this 發生這一切造成這局面 It all occurred then hold this 現在的一切都是你的錯 It's all your fault and all this 發生這一切 It all occurred then hold this 皆因我在召喚 It's all your fault and all this 現在的一切都是你的錯 It all occurred then 發生這一切造成這局面 [Chorus] 皆因我在召喚 'Cause I called out 現在的一切都是你的錯 (It's all your fault and all this 發生這一切造成這局面 It all occurred then hold this) 皆因我在召喚 'Cause I called out (It's all your fault and all this It all occurred then hold this) 'Cause I called out