- Jamie Isaac Doing Better 歌詞
- Jamie Isaac
- Writing so Im knowing better
本想寫些東西來尋找真正的自我 I cast my pen by the letters 卻又因這文字把筆扔掉 Grieving far below the pressure 悲傷雖逆流成河,但遠不及此刻這份思念的苦痛 Im sinking further than a heart thats squeezing 終究還是無法釋懷於這顆蜷縮的心 Drowning myself almost every evening 每晚的苦楚足以把我浸沒 Wishing I had met her 只希望可以不期而遇 But theres no pressure 這苦痛也能煙消雲散 Softer now, I think Im ready 或許這樣才能安適些吧,我想我準備好該干些什麼了 Thinking twice, she held me steady 左思右想,只有她才是治愈我這傷痛唯一的良藥 Six feet down, Im almost buried 而我現在滿受這份苦痛,彷彿要被葬於六尺之下 But almost like in ways, I seem to crave it 不知為何,似乎真的有所渴求 So much so Ive even tried to name it 而這期盼在我心頭越來越強烈,甚至已被指定這千真萬確 Damn, my hands are sweaty 此刻唯有沾滿汗水的一雙掌心 Oh think about the way 仔細想想這種方式 These words are for display 願這文字能顯現出我的情真意切 Just go around it 全都環繞於我心頭 I dont need to fool it 我怎能開這種玩笑 Go, you never thought that 好吧,你從未想過我 I, yes Im doing better with my sleeping 其實現在我只是在擺脫失眠而已 I need less time for weeping 也沒必要浪費時間而哭泣 Yes, I know its strange 的確,我知道我很奇怪 But Im doing better with my 但我只是想······ Steady, now tides have fallen 此時我心堅定不移 Catchem all, Im never stalling 不再像以前一樣虛無縹緲 Im on my feet, Im hardly crawling 堅定的站起,卻邁不動一步 But on her knees she never liked to whisper 向她跪下雙膝,她卻說不喜歡這私語 Kept her close she always seemed to shiver 那就在她似乎發抖之際擁抱她吧 Wishing it was morning 可黎明何時才能到達我心 Oh, think about the way 仔細想想這種方式 These words are for display 願這文字能顯現出我的情真意切 Just go around it 全都環繞於我心頭 I dont need to fool it 我怎能開這種玩笑 Go, you never thought that 好吧,你從未想過我 I, yes Im doing better with my sleeping 其實現在我只是在擺脫失眠而已 I need less time for weeping 也沒必要浪費時間而哭泣 Yes, I know its strange 的確,我知道我很奇怪 But Im doing better with my 但我只是想······ Oh think about the way 仔細想想這種方式 These words are for display 願這文字能顯現出我的情真意切 Just go around it 全都環繞於我心頭 I dont need to fool it 我怎能開這種玩笑 Go, you never thought that 好吧,你從未想過我 I, yes Im doing better with my sleeping 其實現在我只是在擺脫失眠而已 I need less time for weeping 也沒必要浪費時間而哭泣 Yes, I know its strange 的確,我知道我很奇怪 But Im doing better with my 但我只是想······