- Dirty Pretty Things The Enemy 歌詞
- Dirty Pretty Things
- So far dishonest as the day is long
至今都不誠實,一貫如此 I'm sorry so 我很抱歉,那麼 I'll go now 我現在就走 But I love you so it won't be long 但我愛你,所以不會走太久 And the spectres in the masonary remind us of the things that might have been 磚石間的幻影,讓我們想起了那些本該發生的事兒
你是不是該洗把臉了 Isn't it time you washed your face 你的臉看著就像是熄了火的壁爐 It looks like a burnt out fireplace 而我被回憶沖刷著 And I am awash with memories 對那些錯綜複雜憂心忡忡 And worrying complexities 但是很快 But in time (in time) 你會感到很恐懼 You'll find it very scary 畢恭畢敬地活著,太難了 It's hard to live respectfully 仇敵 The Enemy as 如我所知,就在我腦中 I know it is right inside my head 仇敵 The Enemy as 如我所知,就在我腦中 I know it is right inside my head 人心渙散
不謙虛,不包容 Everyones still all over the place 我的天,那些回憶啊 And not to humble to embrace 你的傲慢令我不知所措 And oh my gosh the memories 好吧,這一回 But your arrogance perplexes me 我不該如此飛揚跋扈 Now this time (this time) 要試著畢恭畢敬地活著 I shouldn't be so lary 仇敵 Just try to live respectfully 如我所知,就在我腦中 The Enemy as 仇敵 I know it is right inside my head 如我所知,就在我腦中 The Enemy as 那麼你現在試試嗎 I know it is right inside my head 仇敵回來了,你幫上了一點兒忙 So are you giving it a shot now 好吧,他們不喜歡那樣 And it all came back and you did a little turn now 你要鼓個掌嗎(磚石間的幻影,讓我們想起了那些本該發生的事兒) Well they didn't like that 你不過需要一顆溫柔的心 Are you going to give it up for? (And the spectres in the masonary remind us of the things that might have been) 帶你穿越無邊的黑暗
你不過需要一顆溫柔的心 All you need's a gentle heart 帶你穿越無邊的黑暗 Tosee you through endless dark 仇敵 All you need's a gentle heart 如我所知,就在我腦中 To see you through endless dark 仇敵
如我所知,就在我腦中 The Enemy as 仇敵 I know it is right inside my head 如我所知,就在我腦中 The Enemy as 仇敵 I know it is right inside my head 如我所知,就在我腦中 The Enemy as I know it is right inside my head The Enemy as I know it is right inside my head