- Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Kevin 歌詞
- Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
- OK, OK
好吧,好吧 Yeah 吔 We live tonight 我們活在當下 Check it, now 看好了,就是現在 I seen pain, I felt the losses 我曾目睹過痛苦也曾對迷失感同身受 Attended funerals and seen coffins 我參加過葬禮看到過靈柩 21 years old, an angel was lost here 年僅二十一如天使般的靈魂卻已消失 Wings clipped by the grip of 80 milligram sniffs of oxycontin 他的雙翅被吸入的80毫克奧施康定折斷(P.S奧施康定是種止痛藥) Everyday through the nostrils 每天通過鼻腔吸入 Never went away, never does it stop there 困在其中從未停止 Death a line or two away and a couple tall cans 一兩條藥片碾成的粉末再加上幾罐酒死亡便如此靠近 Cause you never know when God is gonna call, man 你真的不知道什麼時候上帝就會召喚你,伙計 Precious, what we all share 珍重我們都會如此 I said peace at 5:30, the next time that I saw him was in the hands of the pallbearer 五點半我說了再見,沒想到下次再見竟是在他的靈柩邊 What if I would've never gone and dropped him off there? 如果我沒有走,如果我沒有把他放到他家,這一切是不是就不會發生? Blaming myself, in hysterics, screaming 'It's not fair!' 我發了瘋地責備自己,憤怒地叫吼世界的不公 21 years old with a book of rhymes he was gonna recite to the globe 二十一歲卻才華橫溢,他的歌原本將被全世界聽見 Only thing to numb the pain besides that shit in his nose 除了那可惡的白粉,唯有這份才華能讓他痛苦麻痺 He was gonna quit tomorrow, we're all gonna quit tomorrow 明天他就戒了,明天我們就都戒了 Just get us through the weekend, and then Monday follows 這份決心才讓我們熬過週末,週一緊跟著來了 Then it's Wednesday, then it's 'fuck it, I'm already feeling hollow' 然後周三到了,才幾天,已經感覺“我已經空虛的不行” Might as well go crack a seal and might as well go chug a bottle 可能會忍不住拆開密封,一口氣灌下一瓶酒 Might as well go pop a pill and band-aid that problem 也可能嗑一粒藥,給傷口貼個急救繃帶 And escape this world,vacate this world 然後,逃離這個世界 Cause I hate myself 因為我痛恨自己 No praying's gonna cure this pain 無論怎麼祈禱,都無法癒合我的傷痛
醫生,請給我開一劑美國夢 Doctor, please, give me a dose of the American Dream 你放下筆,看著我的眼睛 Put down the pen and look in my eyes 我們在等候室裡,感覺有點不對勁 We're in the waiting room and something ain't right 這些都怪你,處方藥劑過量了 All this is on you, we're overprescribed 我和Kevin For me and Kev 他進了監獄,政府部門卻視而不見 He went up in jail, institutions are dead 我們這一生,像是在玩著致命的俄羅斯轉盤 And with our lives, we play Russian Roulette 試著尋找一種能讓我們滿意的生活 And try to find a life where we could be content 因為對於我們來說,我們只是在盡量減小活著的恐懼 Cause for us, we're just trying to minimize the fear of being alive 現在我的兄弟Kevin已經溘然長逝 And now my little brother is in the sky 僅僅因為醫生開的一顆藥丸 From a pill that a doctor prescribed 一顆背後是數十億美元產業的藥丸 That a drug dealing billion dollar industry supplied 警察們從不查處這些致命藥物,而是選擇在夜色裡查處非致命毒品 And the cops never go and profile at night 那些他們賣給你的處方藥 Yeah, the, the, the orange plastic with the white top they sell to you 我們一直在尋找解藥,卻沒求助於你 Has us looking for the answers and that instead of you 我們要的是速效藥,無論什麼代價 Quick fix, whatever'll do 我們只會忽略真相 We just gonna neglect the truth 因為有一個有執照的醫生扮演著上帝,信誓旦旦地說著這沒問題 Because a doctor with a license played God and said it's cool 扮演著上帝,信誓旦旦地說著這沒問題 Played God and said it's cool 而我,我不責怪Kevin,也不責怪他懷著Kevin還吸毒的媽 But me? I don't blame Kev or his mom freebasing while pregnant with him 我責怪那些製藥公司 I blame the pharmacy companies 責怪這個花費幾萬億來打擊毒品卻同時從中牟利的國家 Andcountry that spends trillions fighting the war they supplying themselves 政客,交易,監獄 Politicians and business and jail 辯護律師,和不再公正的法官 Public defenders and judges who fail 看看Kevin,看看Kevin吧 Look at Kevin, look at Kevin 現在他已經不在人世了 Now he's wrapped in plastic 他生命中遇見的第一個藥販子,是他媽的藥箱 First dealer was his mom's medicine cabinet 焦慮?那來點阿普唑侖(P.S 阿普唑侖是一種抗焦慮藥) Got anxiety, better go and give him a Xanax 想要集中註意力?來點阿得拉(P.S 阿得拉是一種治療注意力缺失的藥) Focus, give him Adderall, sleep, give him Ambien 直到他像一個櫥窗假人一樣走在街上 'Til he's walking 'round the city looking like a mannequin 時好時壞,依賴著你給他的處方藥 Ups and downs, shooting up prescriptions you're handing him 美利堅?這真的值得麼?我在質問你 So America, is it really worth it? I'm asking you 醫生,請給我開一劑美國夢 Doctor, please, give me a dose of the American Dream 你放下筆,看著我的眼睛 Put down the pen and look in my eyes 我們在等候室裡,感覺有點不對勁 We're in the waiting room and something ain't right 這些都怪你,處方藥劑過量了 All this is on you, we're overprescribed 大夫,你的藥,你的療法 Doctor, your medicine and your methods 沒能治好我卻在扼殺我 Can't cure my disease without killing me 你正在殺死我,你讓我喪命 You're killing me, you're killing me 你正在殺死我,你讓我喪命 You're killing me, you're killing me 大夫,你的藥,你的療法 Doctor, your medicine and your methods 沒能治好我卻在扼殺我 Can't cure my disease without killing me 你正在殺死我,你讓我喪命 You're killing me, you're killing me 你正在殺死我,你讓我喪命 You're killing me, you're killing me