- Heal for the Honey 歌詞 Brooke Waggoner
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- Brooke Waggoner Heal for the Honey 歌詞
- Brooke Waggoner
- Brooke Waggoner-Heal for the Honey
指引著我 Points of light 去捕捉某一抹微風與鍾聲 Shootin' through the tree-stained vines 但我整天都治愈著自己甜蜜的傷 It draws me in 等著那個我愛的人 To catch a fistful of wind and chime 那些午後悶熱令人頭暈目眩 But all day long I heal for the honey 我犯相思病尚且快沒救 Waitin' for the one I love 我沉著冷靜純摯拙樸 The noons are hot with heartache aplenty, 我溫文爾雅慵散隨意 I'm lovesick and undone 嗯我其實是個令人厭煩的人 Poised, unrefined, 但直到我死亡的那天才會承認 Delicate and loosely lined 因為我整天都治愈著自己甜蜜的傷 Oh I am a drip, 等著那個我愛的人 But I'll deny it til' the day I die 那些午後悶熱令人頭暈目眩 'Cause all day long I heal for the honey 我犯相思病尚且快沒救 Waitin' for the one I love 整天都在治愈著甜蜜的傷 The noons are hot with heartache aplenty, 等待著我愛的人 I'm lovesick and undone 那些午後悶熱令人頭暈目眩 All day long I heal for the honey 我犯相思病尚且快沒救 Waitin' for the one I love 對我很思念又難消遣 The noons are hot with heartache aplenty, 對我思念著只可悵惘 I'm lovesick and undone 我消沉我頹廢我萎靡 Yes I'm lovesick and undone 把它說得很大聲 Yes I'm lovesick and undone 很大聲… I'm undone, I'm undone , I'm undone 很大聲…… Say it loud Say it loud Oh out loud