- Jeremy Messersmith Steve 歌詞
- Jeremy Messersmith
- Walking in silence
我們並行於沉默之中 The old woods are quiet 枯朽的老樹緘默無言 Nobody watching, just the trees 沒有人抬頭觀看,只有樹木在這裡駐足 Evening sky passes 夜晚的星空從我們眼前走經 Streams through the branches 如同溪流從樹枝間流過 Oh, kiss me under the moonlight 噢,披著星辰在月光下吻我吧 Won't you, Steve 你會這麼做嗎,Steve? She hurt you so bad 她傷害了你那麼深 You told me you wanted to die 你告訴我你甚至想要為她而死 Steve, I'm your best friend Steve 我是你至交的摯友 There's nothing that I wouldn't try 沒有什麼我不願意為你嘗試 Think what could happen 想想有什麼終會發生 Dare to imagine 大膽地去想像 So many possibilities 我們之間有著那麼多可能 We may discover 或許我們會發現 That we could be lovers 我們能夠成為戀人 So kiss me under the moonlight 所以請你在月光下將吻印刻於我 Won't you, Steve? 你會這麼做嗎, Steve? She hurt you so bad 她傷害了你那麼深 You told me you wanted to die 你告訴我你甚至想要為她而死 Steve, I'm your best friend 我是你至交的摯友 There's nothing that I wouldn't try 我願意為你做任何事 She hurt you so bad 她傷害了你那麼深 You told me you wanted to die 你告訴我你甚至想要為她而死 Steve, I'm your best friend Steve 我是你至交的摯友 There's nothing that I wouldn't try 我願意為你付出一切,直至時間盡頭 Walking in silence 我們並行於沉默之中 The old woods are quiet 枯朽的老樹緘默無言 Only our footsteps on the leaves 只有我們的腳步落在枯葉上細碎的聲響 Things will get better 一切都會慢慢變好 Try to forget her 試著將她忘卻 And kiss me under the moonlight 然後讓我們的吻融化在月光裡吧 Won't you, Steve 你會這樣做嗎,Steve? lof@ 牧野小鹿