- Its 4 Am Im Lying Here And Thinking About You... 歌詞 WAV
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- WAV Its 4 Am Im Lying Here And Thinking About You... 歌詞
- ***滾動製作:Jacoo 等疫情結束,我要擁抱每一個人***
It's 4 am I'm lying and thinking about you 凌晨四點的我也有一點點想你呀 Where to begin, drawing a blank 恍惚迷離 Sit by the window the wine sinks in 微醺窗外 Swaying silhouettes in gentle twilight 星星在柔和暮色中搖曳 Melting away under violet sky 融化於晨曦消失不見 Again, caught in a trance 再一次迷離恍惚 Drive by the city let the wind in 搖下車窗行駛於城市中 The endless haze in summer moonlight 層層薄霧中夏季月色中 Drenched in a feeling I can't describe 沉浸在一種無法形容的感覺中 But it's 4 am Im lying here and thinking about you 可凌晨四點啦我也有一點點想你呀 Dreaming every future staying up on the roof 幻想著無限可能的未來 Watch all flowers bloom 任四季變化更替 Wake up next to you 保護你用盡全力 Wandering in the city capturing every view 城市漫步捕捉下每一幕 Collecting all the seasons counting every hue 七彩變幻彷如畫布 All the tiniest clues 這眼前一切 Turning into you 都能聯想到你
對哦凌晨四點啦不止有一點點想你 Yes its 4 am Im dying here and thinking about you 穿越到海洋最深處 Sailing across the oceans jumping into the blue 月球跳動舞步 Dancing to the moon 哼唱著歌 Singing every tune 海邊生活和你一起 Moving by the waters build a house for two 看日落每一天 Riding into the sunset when this life is through 什麼都不會去想 Nothing's left to do 除了與你相關的一切 Only me and you [Music~~~]