- Adaline Ghost 歌詞
- Adaline
- Paper thin, I waste away
如紙纖薄我就此擲棄 Caught up in an endless phase 深陷寂寂無邊的困境裡 Tryin' to tell myself you'll fade 試著說服自己你終會消逝 While clingin' to the mess we made 卻仍緊抓住你我歡愉後的殘跡 Keep me waitin', anticipatin' 讓我等候翹首以盼 Keep me waitin', anticipatin' 讓我停駐遐想希冀 You keep me waitin', anticipatin' 你留我靜待展望期許 And now I know what I've been missing 如今我終察覺什麼是我向來缺失 'Cause I feel your body like a ghost 因為我感受著你的軀體如同魂靈 Breathin' in me everywhere Igo 一呼一吸伴我左右如影隨形 Even when she's with me, we're not alone 就算她只同我一道也似有你與共 Her hands are your hands wrapped around my throat 她的雙手猶如你手緊攥我的咽喉 You are best loved from afar 你只可遠觀以寄情 'Cause when we're close we both leave scars 因為相親相近終會相愛相殺 So bury me to make it stop 那還請你把我祭入黃土以斬斷情絲 And don't come back to dig me up 也請你萬萬不要回頭將我找尋 You keep me waitin', anticipatin' 讓我等待翹首以盼 Keep me waitin', anticipatin' 讓我停駐遐想希冀 You keep me waitin', anticipatin' 你留我靜待展望期許 And now I know what I've been missin' 如今我終察覺什麼是我向來缺失 'Cause I feel your body like a ghost 因為我感受著你的軀體如同魂靈 Breathin' in me everywhere I go 一呼一吸伴我左右如影隨形 Even when she's with me, we're not alone 就算只有她同我一道也似有你與共 Her hands are your hands wrapped around my throat 她的雙手猶如你手緊攥我的咽喉 Keep me waitin', anticipatin' 讓我等待翹首以盼 Keep me waitin', anticipatin' (Keep me waitin') 讓我停駐遐想希冀 You keep me waitin', anticipatin' (Keep me waitin') 你留我靜待展望期許 Keep me waitin', anticipatin' (Keep me waitin') 你阻滯我足讓我渴求有你的未來 'Cause I feel your body like a ghost 因為我感到你如魂靈如影隨形 Breathin' in me everywhere I go 呼吸交融片刻不離 Even when she's with me, we're not alone 就算有她伴我我也總感到你在左右 Her hands are your hands wrapped around my throat 她的雙手如你手緊攥我的咽喉