- Miracle Of Sound Force of Nature 歌詞
- Miracle Of Sound
- Cast out of inclusions warm embrace.
從那溫暖的懷抱中掙脫 Peer in from a solitary space. 向那隱秘之處窺視 The sting of rejection leaves its scars upon my face. 被拒絕的痛苦是那麼深切,我已體無完膚 I will run. 轉身逃離 I will fall. 卻終將陷入萬丈深淵 I will climb through it all. 但我會越過這所有的障礙 Ever keeping the pace... 我會一直保持我的步伐 Cause I can see the worlds unseen. 只因我可以窺見那從未被發掘之地 I can hear them call to me. 那些隱匿在暗處的一切都在呼喚著我 Harnessing the energy from every fall and failure. 我從每一次的失敗和墜落中汲取能量 Ill be a force of nature. 我將成為自然之力 Upon a world of rust. 在這腐朽黑暗的世間 Ill be a force of nature. 我將與萬物融合 The only truth I trust is what Ive seen. 我只堅信於我雙眼所凝視著的事實 So eager to seek , so much to find. 我渴望去追尋那些真相,偌大的世界還有太多未解的謎團 Got nothing to prove to narrow minds. 心胸狹窄之人永遠都尋求不到他們所想之物 They rant of redemption as I Leave them long behind. 他們咆哮著企圖挽回一切,我卻早已將他們拋之腦後 In the bones of the earth. 在地球的深處 In the stones and the dirt. 撥開那厚重的岩石以及罪惡的污穢 There is form and design. 一切都井然有序 Cause I can see the worlds unseen. 只因我可以窺見那未被發掘的世界 I can hear them call to me. 隱匿在暗處的一切都在呼喚著我 Harnessing the energy from every fall and failure. 我從每一次的失敗和墜落中汲取能量 Ill be a force of nature. 我將成為自然之力 Upon a world of rust. 在這腐朽黑暗的世間 Ill be a force of nature. 我將與萬物融合 The only truth I trust is what Ive seen. 眼見為實 Cries of corrupted wires. 那些早已腐爛生鏽的欄杆發出悲鳴 Return to sleep. 繼續在夢中沉淪吧 Blaze with the raging fires. 那熊熊烈火將在你的周圍環繞閃耀 Cause I can see the worlds unseen. 只因我可以窺見那未被發掘的世界 Truth is in the mystery. 謎底即是真相 Focus on the sting I feel from every pain and danger. 一次次鑽心剜骨般的疼痛危險,我都銘記在心 Cause I can see the worlds unseen. 只因我可以窺見那未被發掘的世界 I can hear them call to me. 隱匿在暗處的一切都在呼喚著我 Harnessing the energy from every fall and failure. 我從每一次的失敗和墜落中汲取能量 Ill be a force of nature. 我將成為自然之力 Upon a world of rust. 在這腐朽黑暗的世間 Ill be a force of nature. 我將與萬物融合 The only truth I trust is what Ive seen. 眼見為實 Is what Ive seen. 你所見到的,便是真相 Ill be a force of nature. 我就是自然之力