- Mr.Trouble麻煩先生 Sad Machine remix 歌詞
- Mr.Trouble麻煩先生
- Its anyone there?
Play! 我不負你是順天之意 循信之諦是領神之命 是大山之偉岸是流水之涓潺 四季交織而來日夜星辰交換 保持最虔誠最卑微的姿態 赤裸著全身在烈日下暴晒 任你丟我進火爐焚燒七七天七七夜 我心依舊戚戚焉 Who survives? Somebody knew? Anyone else that knew On a lonely night, Once the burning light ********** And though I know since youve awakened her again She depends on you, she depends on you! Should go on, and never speak of this again We depend on you, we depend on you! And though I know since youve awakened her again She depends on you, she depends on you! Should go on, and never speak of this again We depend on you, we depend on you! 你為何抗拒我早呈上我的全部 都付之一炬我早接盤全輸 就像在風中跳舞的燭火身影 吃飽的禿鷲喪失了乾勁 世人都嘲笑我何來恆久的承諾 我誓要向世界用力擲出結果 窮盡這一生推算出驗證式 享世代拜模卻稱不上你心事 你說你記得讓你留疤的熱水袋 隔著牆靠聽的98年世界杯球賽 只靠風扇和棒冰度過的夜晚 只靠一步就能決定成敗的跳水台 我不念蒼天有誤與真理殊途同路 不記君王功過為永恆作賦 我心胸開闊裝下天地間 卻容不下你愁了容顏 I dont know much about your life beyond these warm walls. The fleeting sense of love within the star was taking home I dont hear it in his voice, in every calm Lets go much flat, a hundred years had something lift away 什麼是愛 是失去自由 什麼是時間 是向著一個方向不停趕路的雲彩一刻不停歇 什麼是承諾 是一顆糖果你知道它很可口可是吃了就沒了 什麼是永恆 是按下開關的一瞬間 什麼是戰爭 是正義誕生最原始的形態 什麼是真理 戰爭的勝者說了算 什麼是依賴 是懶惰 什麼是信仰 是競賽 什麼是權威 是包裝 什麼是信賴 是你把自由拱手相讓 什麼是好的什麼是壞的 壞人說的壞的就是好的好人說的好的就是壞的 什麼是好人甚麼是壞人 是手段 什麼是藝術 是不會寫字的人寫的日記 什麼是全世界 是你 And though I know, since youve awakened her again She depends on you, she depends on you! Should go on, and never speak of this again We depend on you, we depend on you! And though I know since youve awakened her again She depends on you, she depends on you! Should go on, and never speak of this again We depend on you, we depend on you!