- U2 Kite (Live) 歌詞
- U2
- This is Kite
這首歌叫風箏 This is for Bob Hewso 謹以此歌獻給Bob Hewson
人生中有一種東西 Something 叫做給予 Is about to give 我能感覺到是時候了 I can feel it coming 我應該知道這個詞的含義 I think I know what it means 我不懼怕死亡 Im not afraid to die 也不怕生活的艱辛 Im not afraid to live 在我彌留之際 And when Im flat on my back 我希望我真的會這樣想 I hope to feel like I did 而難熬的日子 And hardness 終於來臨 It sets in 你需要有人來保護 You need some protection 你未豐的羽翼 The thinner the skin 可我想讓你知道 I want you to know 你不再需要我了 That you dont need me anymore 我想讓你知道 I want you to know 你其實不再需要藉助任何人 You dont need anyone 或任何物了 Or anything at all 有誰會明白風會將你帶去何方 Whos to say where the wind will take you 又有誰能夠預測前路會有什麼將把你擊垮 Whos to say what it is will break you 我不知道 I dont know 風會吹向哪個方向 Which way the wind will blow 沒有人知道時機幾時來臨 Whos to know when the time has come around 我不想看到你哭泣 I dont wanna see you cry 但是你要知道我並沒有離開你 But I know that this is not goodbye 夏天到了我能嘗出空氣里海風的鹹味 Its summer, I can taste the salty sea 清風中一隻風箏被吹斷了線飛向天際 Theres a kite blowing out of control on the breeze 我有些擔心你的反應 I wonder whats gonna happen to you 你不理解我為什麼變得這樣無力 You wonder what has happened to me 我已經長大成人了 Im a man 我不再是個孩子了 Im not a child 我是一個能看出 Im a man who sees 你眼中隱藏的憂鬱的大人了 The shadow behind your eyes 有誰會明白風會將你帶去何方 Whos to say where the wind will take you 又有誰能夠預測前路會有什麼將把你擊垮 Whos to say whatit is will break you 我不知道 I dont know 風會吹向哪個方向 Which way the wind will blow 沒有人知道時機幾時來臨 Whos to know when the time has come around 我不想看到你哭泣 I dont want to see you cry 但是你要知道我並沒有離開你 But I know that this is not goodbye 沒有離開... Goodbye... 我浪費了大好時光嗎 Did I waste it 回憶裡並沒有太多可供我回味的天倫之樂 Not so much I couldnt taste it 人生這棟房子應該是芬芳的 Life should be fragrant 從屋頂到基底 Rooftop to the basement 最後一批的搖滾巨星們 The last of the rocks stars 存在於在嘻哈大行其道的年代 When hip hop drove the big cars 在新興媒體 In the time when new media 成為潮流的時代 Was the big idea 就接受這個新的時代吧 That was the big idea 溝通 Communication 學會溝通吧 Communication 我浪費了大好時光嗎 Did I waste it 回憶裡並沒有太多可供我回味的天倫之樂 Not so much I couldnt taste it 人生這棟房子應該是芬芳的 Life should be fragrant 從屋頂到基底 Rooftop to the basement 最後一批的歌劇明星們 The last of the opera stars 存在於在嘻哈大行其道的年代 When hip hop drove the big cars 在新興媒體 In the time when new media 成為潮流的時代 Was the big idea 就接受這個新的時代吧 That was the big idea 彼此好好聊一聊吧 Talk to each other