- 森林中的鹿 薄暮宛如黎明 歌詞
- LJY 森林中的鹿
- 母帶:Suslik
- I was positive that the view from here would be incredible, It definitely had to be tonight. 我就說這裡的風景會很美 - Youre acting weird again, something wrong? 一定是今天才可以 - Tell me, 你最近有點不對勁……發生什麼了嗎? if I said, 如果我說 that I was actually scared of dying and I mean, terrified... What would you do? 其實我一想到自己快要離開就怕得要命
該怎麼辦……? 你好,我是一隻來自森林的鹿。
- If you dont mind, even if its only a bit longer, 如果你不介意 would you please 我想要多一點時間 stay with me? 我想要你 - There isnt anything I could do for you. 跟我在一起 So you sure you want that? 可我恐怕 - But youve already done so much... 沒有辦法為你做太多事
可你已經為我做了許多…… 你好,我是一隻來自森林的鹿。
-Its amazing. You probably dont realize, 也許你沒有發現 but Ive learned a lot from you. 你真的教了我很多道理 Thanks for everything. 這是我的真心話 - Hmm? 謝謝你 Thanks for what? 嗯? hehe 什麼?