- I Do This (feat. Roze) 歌詞 ROZE Abstract
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- Abstract I Do This (feat. Roze) 歌詞
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- I do this for my father, who've I've only seen from time to time in my dreams
我這麼做都是為了你 I do this for you 我這麼做是為了我媽媽,她終於戒毒了,不再是惡魔了 I do this for my mother, who's finally clean and no longer a fiend 我這麼做都是為了你 I do this for you 我這麼做是為了我的姐姐,我的妻子,我的孩子,因為他們是團隊的一部分 I do this for my sister, my wife, and my kids, 'cause they part of the team 我這麼做是為了 I do this for 所有的反對者和憎恨者,讓我享有盛名 All the naysayers and haters who made me one of the greatest 我知道你心裡很難受,所以我才幫你 I know it kills you inside, that's why I do this for you 我這麼做是為了我的父親,我只是偶爾在夢裡見到他 I do this for my father, who've I've only seen from time to time in my dreams 我這麼做都是為了你 I do this for you 我這麼做是為了我媽媽,她終於戒毒了,不再是惡魔了 I do this for my mother, who's finally clean and no longer a fiend 我這麼做都是為了你 I do this for you 我這麼做是為了我的姐姐,我的妻子,我的孩子,因為他們是團隊的一部分 I do this for my sister, my wife, and my kids, 'cause they part of the team 我這麼做是為了 I do this for 所有的反對者和憎恨者,讓我享有盛名 All the naysayers and haters who made me one of the greatest 我知道你心裡很難受,所以我才幫你 I know it kills you inside, that's why I do this for you 我這麼做是為了那些坐在外面的孩子 I do this for the kids who sit a bit outside the mix 他們或許只有幽默搞怪才能適應這裡 Who maybe cope through humor just to fit in for a bit 他們從不讓世人知道,抑鬱症何時來臨 Who never let the world know when depression's settin' in 對所有認識你的人來說,這種印像是不存在的 To all of those who know you, that impression don't exist 這不是偽造的,只是一種對抗的方式 And it ain't counterfeit, it's just a way to counter it 我是我夢想中的一切,我還是會遇到它 I'm living things I dreamed about, I still encounter it 這不是香煙或酒精所能解決的問題 It ain't something that a cigarette or alcohol can fix 但就是因為這個,我很快就改變了主意 But all because of it, I flipped it quick 繼續寫了一些熱門歌曲 Went on to write some hits 這很成功 This a success 再深呼吸一口氣 Off another breath 這是探索的第一步 This the first step in searchin' to be nothing less 那就做到最好,證明自己的能力 Then be the best in what you do to prove there's strength in being you 在追逐夢想的過程中,我學到了很多在學校裡學不到的東西 Learned so much in chasing dreams that I never would in school 取決於你的激情在哪裡,只要知道激情從來不會撒謊 Depends on where your passion lie, just know passion never lie 生活會讓你分心,但你的行動必須堅定 Life presents distractions , but your actions have to fortify 你所信仰的東西,必須像戰鬥的吶喊一樣尖叫 The things that you believe in, have to scream it like a battle cry 留下那些看起來智慧的人,問他們為什麼 And leave the ones who didn't lookin' stupid while they're asking why 說實話,我這麼做是為了我愛的人 Couldn't lie, I really do this for the ones I love 那些把音樂當作惡習,把歌詞當作毒品的人 Those who treat the music as a vice, and lyrics like a drug 他們需要建議,如何提高他們的精神素養 Those who need advice on how to lift their spirit high enough 他們知道自己的生活不夠好 To break out of the box they make of lives they know aren't good enough 事情就是這樣,但並不意味著就一定要這樣 Just because it's how it is don't mean it's how it has to be 這就是沒有靈感的證明者所看不到的一切 This is what the uninspired testifiers fail to see 嫉妒源於別人沒有做到的事情 Jealousy results from being that which others failed to be 如果這意味著你不和我在一起了,我覺得這很公平 And if it means you're not with me, that honestly sounds fair to me 我這麼做是為了我的父親,我只是偶爾在夢裡見到他 I do thisfor my father, who've I've only seen from time to time in my dreams 我這麼做是為了你 I do this for you 我這麼做是為了我媽媽,她終於戒毒了,不再是惡魔了 I do this for my mother, who's finally clean and no longer a fiend 我這麼做是為了你 I do this for you 我這麼做是為了我的姐姐,我的妻子,我的孩子,因為他們是團隊的一部分 I do this for my sister, my wife, and my kids, 'cause they part of the team 我這麼做是為了 I do this for 所有的反對者和憎恨者,讓我享有盛名 All the naysayers and haters who made me one of the greatest 我知道你心裡很難受,所以我才幫你 I know it kills you inside, that's why I do this for you 為了我媽媽,她這個夏天要工作 Do this for my mother, she'll be working for the summer 為我父親這麼做,因為這些天我也經常在想 Do this for my father cause these days I often wonder 如果我不是被收養的,我的生活會怎樣 What my life would have been like if I was not adopted 在一個充滿問題的家庭長大 To grow up in a home where I was treated like a problem 我不知道啊,這只是個猜測,你的猜測或許和我的一樣 I don't know, it's just a guess, your guess probably good as mine 幸運的是,我在一個希望我閃耀的家庭長大 Lucky that I grew up in a home that wanted me to shine 幸運的是,我在一座教導我們要踏足山巔的地方長大 Lucky that I grew up round some mountain we were taught to climb 碌碌無為,我不認為這會是我的生活 Without that inspiration I don't think that this would be my life 為了我那些分散在全國各地的朋友 Do this for my friends who' ve scattered all cross the country now 我現在在瑞典,回到過去,這樣我就可以把它寫下來 I'm out in Sweden walking back through life so I can write it down 靠音樂謀生,大聲說出來這件事可太瘋狂了 Make a living off the sound, so crazy to say out loud 我是繼travis rice 之後最出名的人物 I'm the biggest thing since Travis Rice to come up out the town 對不起,這看起來有點驚訝,以前我的夢想總是被輕視 Sorry gotta stunt a little, used to have my dreams belittled 但這只是其中的一部分,我知道人們並不能一直堅守自己的初心 But it's all a part of it, I know people's minds are fickle 現實和夢想之間的分界線,我像虛無縹緲的夜晚一樣模糊 Lines between reality and dreams I blur like faded nights 對我來說太好了,我希望我可以再來一次 Come up been so good for me, I wish that I could make it twice 我這麼做是為了我的父親,我只是偶爾在夢裡見到他 I do this for my father, who've I've only seen from time to time in my dreams 我這麼做是為了你 I do this for you 我這麼做是為了我媽媽,她終於戒毒了,不再是惡魔了 I do this for my mother, who's finally clean and no longer a fiend 我這麼做是為了你 I do this for you 我這麼做是為了我的姐姐,我的妻子,我的孩子,因為他們是團隊的一部分 I do this for my sister, my wife, and my kids, 'cause they part of the team 我這麼做是為了你 I do this for 所有的反對者和憎恨者,讓我享有盛名 All the naysayers and haters who made me one of the greatest 我知道你心裡很難受,所以我才幫你 I know it kills you inside, that's why I do this for you 我這麼做是為了我的父親,我只是偶爾在夢裡見到他