- Young Summer Siren 歌詞
- Young Summer
- He lives alone
他在這世上孤獨地活著 Cant survive in the golden lights. 在金色的光暈下消逝 He finds a note 他腦中盤旋起靡靡之音 Chase the thread to the other side. 被游絲牽引著渡向遙遠那方
星光沉入海底 A sinking star 跨越了漫長的光年 Falling fast to outrun the light. 與世界格格不入的,皆會淪為笑柄 Become a taunt 只因世人無法接受異類 Before we see what we never find. 請籠罩我,呼喚我,讓我深陷其中
請捕獲我,威脅我,讓我無路可退 Got me, calling you, calling your attention 請控制我,迷惑我,讓我萬劫不復 Got me, calling you, calling your attention 你如此輕易就能得到我 Got me, calling you, calling your attention 如塞壬那般妖冶 Got me. 如塞壬那般撲朔
所以,就讓這局遊戲開啟吧 Like a siren. 我遁逃,但無用 A siren. 我的罪惡深烙於骨
我羞恥,卻難以掩蓋真相 So, let the game begin! 請禁錮我,誘逼我,讓我恐懼瑟縮 I walk away but itd be no use. 請包圍我,安撫我,讓我甘於沉淪 And for my sins 請佔有我,虐待我,讓我痛苦放縱 I feel ashamed, but I have the truth. 請你快來吧
籠罩我,呼喚我,讓我深陷其中 Got me, calling you, calling your attention 捕獲我,威脅我,讓我無路可退 Got me, calling you, calling your attention 控制我,迷惑我,讓我萬劫不復 Got me, calling you, calling your attention 我就是等待你的獵物 Got me. 你就如塞壬那般魅惑
如塞壬那般迷離 Got me, calling you, calling your attention 你離開時,帶走了我的靈魂 Got me, calling you, calling your attention 伴隨著我所有的歡愉 Got me, calling you, calling your attention 和我所有的熱情 Got me. 以及我生而為人的時光
請禁錮我,誘逼我,讓我恐懼瑟縮 Like a siren. 請包圍我,安撫我,讓我甘於沉淪 Like a siren. 請佔有我,虐待我,讓我痛苦放縱
你如此輕易就能得到我 I. When you go, you leave with the best of me. 請籠罩我,呼喚我,讓我深陷其中 I. When you go, you leave with the best of me. 請捕獲我,威脅我,讓我無路可退 I. When you go, you leave with the best of me. 請控制我,迷惑我,讓我萬劫不復 I. When you go, you leave with the best of me. 我就是為了等你而生
你是塞壬 Got me, calling you, calling your attention 海霧繚繞裡的歌聲 Got me, calling you, calling your attention 乾涸歲月裡的慾望 Got me, calling you, calling your attention Got me.
Got me, calling you, calling your attention Got me, calling you, calling your attention Got me, calling you, calling your attention Got me.
Like a siren. A siren. Like a siren.