- Thomas Azier talk Tom E 歌詞
- Thomas Azier
- My father wants the best for me
父親想要我做到最好 But I'm feeling super low 但我卻倍感失落 I wonder what's the best for me 我不知道於我而言什麼才是最好 I don't know which way to go 亦不知道未來通向何方 He tells me I will be alright 他說一切都會好起來的 I just need a little time 時間會給我答案 I'm trying but my tears are dry 我拼盡全力直到淚水乾涸 I have wasted them online 卻虛擲光陰於虛擬之中 Talk to me 和我談談 Talk to me 給我答案 Tell me how you really feel 告訴我你的真實所感 Talk to me 和我談談 Talk to me 給我答案 Tell me what is fake and what is real 我已分不清真實和虛幻 I want to find escape tonight 今晚我想要逃到夢裡 Wake me up when this summer comes 夏天來臨時再將我喚醒 Painkillers for my brain tonight 今晚我需要止痛藥的安撫 I want to fade until I'm gone 我想要消失殆盡 It burns when it caresses me 它的安撫如火焰般灼熱 Like a medusa in the sand 又如同沙裡的水母 It hurts but it possesses me 刺痛著我的同時將我佔據 But I can feel myself again 使我能再次感到真實的存在 Talk to me 和我談談 Talk to me 給我答案 Tell me how you really feel 告訴我你的真實所感 Talk to me 和我談談 Talk to me 給我答案 Tell me what is fake and what is real 我已分不清真實和虛幻