- Cody Lovaas OH NO! 歌詞
- Cody Lovaas
- I was already on my way
我都準備出門了 When you said maybe you should wait a minute 你卻說我該再等等 I know this isn't a mistake 我們都沒錯 But maybe we're not ready for it 也許是我們都沒準備好 You say I think I'm near your place 你說你到我家附近了 But when I call you say you're in a hurry 但我打過去卻發現你還在匆忙趕路 Tell me why you gotta play 說吧你為什麼要騙我 Just be honest you ain't gonna hurt me 沒關係你實話實話吧我不會再受傷了 You say you'll show this time 你說你這次一定不會爽約 I say I've heard that line 這句話我不知道聽過多少遍 I'll still give you my every single friday night 但每到週五的夜晚我還是會耐心等你來 We're bad at keeping plans 定好了計劃卻一次又一次地推脫 Excuses never end 藉口總是沒完沒了 Can't stop from hitting send 不停地給你發送消息 Don't know when we'll understand 不知何時我們才會明白 OH NO! 噢不! My mind just goes slow mo 我的大腦開始放慢鏡頭 Every time that you pull 每次你主動拉近我們的關係 Won't push back 我都無法抗拒 Everything changes just like that 一切就這樣改變了 OH NO! 噢不! My head's spinning 天旋地轉的暈眩 Don't know what we're thinking 真不知道我們都在想什麼 Too late what's the use 但現在為時已晚一切都是徒勞了 Baby you're my perfect excuse 親愛的你就是我最完美的藉口 If I were you I'd hate me too 如果我是你我大概也會討厭我自己 But if you walk away we'll both regret it 但如果你就此離開你我都會後悔 It's more bout me than is bout you 與其怪你不如說我的問題更大 I mean I really wanna see you, but I'm scared that 其實我很想見你但我又害怕 I'll believe you when you're telling me 你說的話我都深信不疑 You say I'm worth the wait 你說我值得你去等待 But look at the mess we've made 但到頭來我們卻把一副好牌打得稀爛 We keep chasing things 我們不停地追尋著 Almost like it's make believe 彷彿本就觸不可及的答案 OH NO! 噢 不! My mind just goes slow mo 我的大腦開始放慢鏡頭 Every time that you pull 每次你主動拉近我們的關係 Won't push back 我都無法抗拒 Everything changes just like that 一切就這樣改變了 OH NO! 噢不! My head's spinning 天旋地轉的暈眩 Don't know what we're thinking 真不知道我們都在想什麼 Too late what's the use 但現在為時已晚一切都是徒勞了 Baby you're my perfect excuse 親愛的你就是我最完美的藉口 OH NO! 噢不! My mind just goes slow mo 我的大腦開始放慢鏡頭 Every time that you pull 每次你主動拉近我們的關係 Won't push back 我都無法抗拒 Everything changes, everything 一切就這樣改變了 OH NO! 噢不! My head's spinning 天旋地轉的暈眩 Don't know what we're thinking 真不知道我們都在想什麼 Too late what's the use 但現在為時已晚一切都是徒勞了 Baby you're my perfect excuse 親愛的你就是我最完美的藉口