- 毛毛Queencs payphone remix 歌詞
- SJoK 毛毛Queencs
- XIUMIX - Payphone REMIX
詞:SJoK/Queencs 曲:SJoK/Queencs I'm at a payphone trying to call home All of my change I spent on you Where have the times gone Baby it's all wrong Where are the plans we made for two 記得最後一次通話 她和我都說了不下十句空話 那現在還打給我幹嘛 她說她錯了現在隨我判罰 她能辯善答但也不會撒謊 心裡話我只選擇對她講 曾經義無反顧的為她想 不顧一切反對最後愧對家長 掛斷電話後畫面變慢 一段段關於她的片段 思念從來都不曾間斷 情感看似複雜卻又很簡單 終於終於鼓足了勇氣 克服了一個人生活的恐懼 終於我又鼓足了勇氣 適應了呼吸沒有你的空氣 I'm at a payphone trying to call home All of my change I spent on you Where have the times gone Baby it's all wrong Where are the plans we made for two If happy ever after did exist I would still be holding you like this All these fairy tales are full of **** One more ******* love song I'll be sick 換一個新的環境 我知道這不算是逃避 刪了你的號碼和你的短信 是害怕我自己還會去再找你 沒有人打擾一個人的安靜 很充實的生活卻少了份關心 一個人在空中學會了飛行 享受著下雨和天晴 從開始到結束像一場電影 廉價的感情就像是一個贗品 直到現在又聽到你的聲音 又感受到我心跳裡的呼吸 終於終於鼓足了勇氣 克服了一個人生活的恐懼 終於我又鼓足了勇氣 適應了呼吸沒有你的空氣 I'm at a payphone trying to call home All of my change I spent on you Where have the times gone Baby it's all wrong Where are the plans we made for two If happy ever after did exist I would still be holding you like this All these fairy tales are full of **** One more ******* love song I'll be sick Now I'm at a payphone 餵你還好嗎 這麼多年不見面你還好嗎 你的他對你還好嗎 你脾氣這麼差你們會不會吵架 多久沒聯繫我都沒有算過 以為你不會再找我看來是我判斷錯 零碎的謊言在滿地散落 被我拋棄的你就好像一個** 好啦沒錯我是** 可當初不知道是誰喜歡*我 你每天*我你每天*我 這段感情到這裡就告一段落 終於終於鼓足了勇氣 克服了一個人生活的恐懼 終於我又鼓足了勇氣 適應了呼吸沒有你的空氣 I'mat a payphone trying to call home All of my change I spent on you Where have the times gone Baby it's all wrong Where are the plans we made for two If happy ever after did exist I would still be holding you like this All these fairy tales are full of **** One more ******* love song I'll be sick Now I'm at a payphone