- 生死問答-Answers(From Final Fantasy XIV) 歌詞 末末罹
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- 末末罹 生死問答-Answers(From Final Fantasy XIV) 歌詞
- 末末罹
- 編曲: Matt Fuss
我閉上雙眼,為何仍在承受苦難 I close my eyes, tell us why must we suffer 請放開雙手,不要變成沉重負擔 Release your hands, for your will drags us under 我雙腿疲憊,不知今後何處流轉 My legs grow tired, tell us where must we wander 如果救贖遠在天邊,我們該何去何從? How can we carry on if redemptions beyond us? 所有正在享受生命流動的孩子們 To all of my children in whom Life flows abundant 所有已經接受死亡審判的孩子們 To all of my children to whom Death hath passed his judgement 靈魂崇尚高潔,肉體渴望則渴求永生 The soul yearns for honor, and the flesh the hereafter 去追尋前人的身影,引導尋路的後人 Look to those who walked before to lead those who walk after 正義的光芒普照大地 Shining is the Lands light of justice 理想的清泉流淌不息 Ever flows the Lands well of purpose 徘徊,徐行,漫步,相信 Walk free, walk free, walk free, believe... 請相信這世界,充滿生機…… The Land is alive, so believe... 受苦(感受)約定(思考)見證(傳授)推論(傾聽) Suffer (Feel) Promise (Think) Witness (Teach) Reason (Hear) 隨同(感受)徬徨(思考)蹣跚(傳授)聆聽(講述) Follow (Feel) Wander (Think) Stumble (Teach) Listen (Speak) 尊敬(講述)看重(傳達)低語(傳達)提及(希望) Honor (Speak) Value (Tell) Whisper (Tell) Mention (Hope) 沉思(希望)保證(祈願)珍視(祈願)歡迎(迷茫) Ponder (Hope ) Warrant (Wish) Cherish (Wish) Welcome (Roam) 見證(迷茫)聆聽(迷茫)受苦(迷茫)批准(沉睡) Witness (Roam) Listen (Roam) Suffer (Roam) Sanction (Sleep ) 承受(沉睡)徬徨(沉睡)回答(長眠) Weather (Sleep) Wander (Sleep) Answer (Sleep on) 請睜開雙眼,苦難仍然反復不斷 Now open your eyes while our plight is repeated 敗者的呼喊,我們被希望所欺騙 Still deaf to our cries, lost in hope we lie defeated 靈魂已破碎,肉體也已損壞腐爛 Our souls have been torn, and our bodies forsaken 背負著過去的罪,因為未來已被截斷 Bearing sins of the past, for our future is taken 戰爭衝突,無法構成考驗 War born of strife, these trials persuade us not (看見什麼?聽到什麼?) (Feel what? Learn what?) 話語無聲,背叛心的謊言 Words without sound, these lies betray our thoughts 陷入困惑,大地哀聲悲嘆 Mired by a plague of doubt, the Land, she mourns 審判將所有一切困在輕蔑的記憶中 Judgement binds all we hold to a memory of scorn 為什麼,雖獲生命,卻轉瞬即逝,空餘下吶喊 Tell us why, given Life, we are meant to die, helpless in our cries? 見證(感受)受苦(思考)借鑒(傳授)推論(傾聽) Witness (Feel) Suffer (Think) Borrow (Teach) Reason (Hear) 伴同(感受)蹣跚(思考)徬徨(傳授)聆聽(眨眼) Follow (Feel) Stumble (Think) Wander (Teach) Listen (Blink) 低語(眨眼)擔負(眨眼)沉思(傳達)承受(傾聽) Whisper (Blink) Shoulder (Blink) Ponder (Blink) Weather (Hear) 回答(注視)回答(思考)共同的答案 Answer (book) Answer (Think) Answer together 你的人生如同謎題,既有歡喜也有傷感 Thy Life is a riddle, to bear rapture and sorrow 去聆聽,去受苦,將一切交託明天 To listen, to suffer, to entrust unto tomorrow 在短暫的一瞬間,生命從世間消散 In one fleeting moment, from the Land doth life flow 但仍然是一瞬間,又有新生命的閃現 Yet in one fleeting moment, for anew it doth grow 你會在同樣的瞬間獲得生死的答案 In the same fleeting moment thou must live, die and know