- Underoath Alone In December 歌詞
- Underoath
你總能讓我驚艷 You always amazed me 但那已是曾經 But that's the past 我沉默地讓連日的雨 I kept silent and it rained for days 淋透我的內心 My inside were drenched 但我想這就是我 But I guess that's the part of growing up 最不願接受的成長 I never wanted to learn 我終究成長成那個 And I grew into the man 你不再熟悉的人 That you never knew 可如果不是因為 But I wouldn't be this way 你謝謝我的成全 If it wasn't for you 我永遠也不會那樣做 One hundred thank you's 如果這就是愛 It this is love 那麼童話裡都是騙人的 Fairy tales never came true 女士們永遠都青春靚麗 Judies are black in full bloom 我卻還未開始就已結束 And I died in the womb 讓我失去的一切都回來吧 Take it back, all that's gone 它們還是你剛走時的模樣 It's all still there like you left it 十二月仍如同往常那樣 December stayed the same 只不過你不在了 Nothing ever changed but you 我的夢想千瘡百孔 Every dream covered in dents 愛也失去了自由 Love can't fly tonight 情侶們都熟睡了 Couples will rest, I'll be sleepless 而我悲傷著對抗失眠 So cry yourself to sleep 這是一個關於破碎的心 This is about broken hearts 關於我竭盡全力 This is about me 卻一無所獲的故事 Bending again for nothing 我向你跑去,可那隻有痛苦在等待 I'd run to you but pain awaits 我衝著回家 I'm coming home 可那也已太遲 But I'll be late 想像總是太過美好 No deeper than imagination can be 直到雙眼被失落籠罩 Sight with nothing to see 我還能相信什麼? What's faith if I can't believe 這一切本該回到正軌 It's everything 卻被我搞得一團糟 A cure, but I make it a disease 我再也無法忍受這樣的自己 God take me because I hate me