- Manila Killa All 2 U 歌詞
- Manila Killa
- I'ma give it to you, give it all to you, give it all to you
我將一切獻祭予你 I'm just my body and my mind, the naked truth or lies 我殘漏的皮囊、空洞的思想、赤裸的真相和謊言 I'ma give it to you, all to you 一切都獻祭予你 My calm, my cool, my crazy side , my jackal I won't hide 我臨危不亂的鎮定、橫眉冷對的漠視、我漫無邊際的狂想、我未藏的狡猾庸俗愚昧無知 I'ma show 'em to you, all to you 毫不掩飾揭開給你 Everything that I got 所有我既得的 Everything that I'm not 所有我尚未得到的 I'ma give it to you, all to you 我都賦予你 Everything that I got 所有我已得到的奇珍異寶 Everything that I'm not 所有我尚未達成的縹緲願景 I'ma give it to you, all to you 我都賜給你 I'ma give it to you, give it all to you, give it all to you “我知道你愚蠢、輕佻、頭腦空虛,然而我愛你” I'ma give it to you, give it all to you, give it all to you “我知道你的企圖、你的理想,你勢利、庸俗,然而我愛你” I'ma give it to you, give it all to you, give it all to you “我知道你是個二流貨色,然而我愛你” I'ma give it to you, give it all to you, give it all to you “為了向你展示我並非不是無知、庸俗、閒言碎語、愚蠢至極,我煞費苦心” The fractures in my confidence was weighing on my chest 我在自負的碎片下不堪重負 I'ma lay it for you, all for you 我將一片片為人的尊嚴陳列給你如數家珍 The bitter end, the sugar sweet, this tension needs release 所有我在劫難逃的苦衷、甜如蜜糖的愛意、無處釋放的緊張不安 I let it out for you, all for you 都是因你而發 Everything that I got 所有我既得的 Everything that I'm not 所有我尚未得到的 I'ma give it to you, all to you 我都賦予你 Everything that I got 所有我已得到的奇珍異寶 Everything that I'm not 所有我尚未達成的縹緲願景 I 'ma give it to you, all to you 我都賜給你 I'ma give it to you, give it all to you, give it all to you “我愛你如此之深,這我毫不在意” I'ma give it to you, give it all to you, give it all to you “人們在愛上一個人卻得不到回報時,往往感到傷心失望,繼而變成憤怒和尖刻” I'ma give it to you, give it all to you, give it all to you “我不是那樣” I'ma give it to you, give it all to you, give it all to you “我從未奢望你來愛我,我從未設想你會有理由愛我,我也從未認為我自己惹人愛慕” I'ma give it to you, give it all to you, give it all to you “對我來說能被賜予機會愛你就應心懷感激了”