- CoolZ! Cash 歌詞
- CoolZ!
- 作詞:CoolZ!
Cash gime that gime that cash (給我錢) gime that gime that woo (趕緊給我) leave me the b7 太礙事 (離開她) 我還有大好前途 gime that gime that flower (給我鮮花) gime that gime that clap (給我掌聲) she wanna copy my swag (別想模仿我的風格) i don't give a fxxk你立下的flag (我不在乎你立的旗幟) 天上不會掉下餡餅 盡快擦亮你的眼睛 b7塗上粉紅眼影 但我眼裡只有現金 i don't trust u homie (你不相信我) u don't trust me too (我也不相信你) 一手交錢一手交貨 不聽話要打屁股 gime gime that cash (給我錢) 我的做事的風格like flash put the contrack on my desk (把合同放在桌子上) 不懂規矩的thank you,next 口頭上的談資就像一個屁 我沒那麼無聊陪你演著戲 想惹麻煩老子陪你玩到底 show me ur money不想跟你講道理 gime that gime that cash (給我錢) gime that gime that woo (趕緊給我) 和兄弟乾一點壞事 Loser一邊詆毀一邊羨慕 Gime that gime that flower (給我鮮花) i wanna take a shower (我想洗個澡) turn on the volume louder (把音量開大) lady i show u my power (給你展示我的力量) ya what u think what u say what u do 我很清楚距離成功我就差一步 我很明白有多少該我分到的數 我很了解你的把戲別動我的food b7 what u think what u say what u do 別再跟我談論你的計畫like a fool 別再舔著你的b臉過來套近乎 別再打擾我的進度im in the mood uh gime that cash 其他我都沒興趣