- SAARA All The Love 歌詞
- Jillionaire SAARA
- You and me used to be beautiful
我們曾身陷於美妙愛情 We really had some 無可置否 Wondering how can I let you know 總在徘徊著該怎樣告知你 We got a problem 我們的信任出現危機 Oh, I really wanna be your lover 我誠心願與你成為愛人 Its not that Im looking for another 從未有過紅杏出牆的想法 Lately Ive kinda been feeling numb 近來我愈來對此感到麻木 I dont know why you got all the love and I got nothing 我不明白,為何你飽嚐了愛意我卻一無所有? You got all the love, oh give me something 你收穫了愛意,快快回報我吧 You got all the love 你將愛情吞噬殆盡 You got all the love, oh give me something 你得到了我的真心,為何不補償我? (All the love) (All the Love) I dont know why I keep going cold 我不明白為什麼我在寒冷中苦苦掙扎 No explanation 甚至沒有理由 Hoping the truth will unfold 希冀著真相的展現讓我解脫 Without communication 我們早已寡言 Have you heard where Ive been sleep-talking? 你可曾聽到我的喃喃夢囈? Do you know where Ive been sleep-walking? 你可曾知道我在何處囈語於夢鄉? Baby Im really not begging you 親愛的,我真的不想再有求於你 I dont know why you got all the love and I got nothing 我不明白,為何你飽嚐了愛意我卻一無所有? You got all the love, oh give me something 你收穫了愛意,快快回報我吧 You got all the love 你將愛情盡數收入囊中 You got all the love, oh give me something 你得到了我的真心,為何不補償我? (All the love) (All the love) (Youve got all the love) (你將全部愛意統統收入囊中) Used to fall for you, daddy 曾為你沉淪 But we out of touch lately 但我們日漸生疏 And I just cant explain it 我真的無法解釋這種現狀 I just cant explain it, no 我無法詮釋這隔閡的前因後果 Want you to be my baby 渴望讓你成為我的摯愛 But we out of touch lately 但我們卻日漸疏離 And I dont know why you got 我不明白其中差錯 I dont know why you got all the love and I got nothing 我不明白,為何你飽嚐了愛意我卻一無所有? You got all the love, oh give me something 你得到了我的真心,為何不補償我? You got all the love 你奪走了所有的愛意 You got all the love, oh give me something 你收穫了愛意,那麼快快回報我吧 (All the love...) (All the love)