- 無-紗成暴(stuck to you the Alchemist remix)(吳老師 (love love)老吳 remix) 歌詞 吳老師 (love love)老吳
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- 吳老師 (love love)老吳 無-紗成暴(stuck to you the Alchemist remix)(吳老師 (love love)老吳 remix) 歌詞
- 吳老師 (love love)老吳
- Mix by:吳老師
Mix by: Love love verse1 Verse1 我從來沒有背著她 I never carried her on my back. 時間好晚--你累了嗎 Its late -- are you tired? 不用交流摩擦對火花 No AC Friction for Sparks 別說回去你可以睡我家 Dont say you can sleep in my house. 當夜晚很浮躁等天亮很絕情 The night was impetuous and the dawn was desperate. 一開始說不要緊跟著之後說別停 Say 'Dont stop' at first and then 'Dont stop'. 卸了妝的醜臉妹說她有點醉 The ugly girl who took off her makeup said she was a little drunk. 沒有想會不會流眼淚 Didnt think about tears. 怪開始沒有選對 Strange to begin with, there was no right choice. 感情從來不能喊停把回憶剷平 Emotions can never stop screaming and erasing memories . 給自己判下緩行感情感情 Send yourself a slow emotional sentence. 比較起更真實的我只看到短裙 More real than that, I only see skirts. 也想每天陪你胡鬧 I want to accompany you every day. 輸了我也不會氣餒 I wont be discouraged if I lose. 每當讀到對方的浮躁 Every time I read about each others impetuosity 都很有默契乖乖閉嘴 They all have tacit understanding and shut up. 除了你其他都不要細膩的過程 Dont be a delicate process except for you. 用押韻埋在句尾 Bury it in rhyme at the end of the sentence 就算知道劇情俗套 Even if you know the plot conventions 在愛里也照樣溺水 Drowning in love verse2 Verse2 im still right here waiting for you Im still right here waiting for you 後面排隊的人兩隻手不夠數 There are not enough hands in the queue behind. 和你打玻woo Beat Bowoo with you 你的所有一絲不漏全被我給捕捉 Ive caught everything youve got. 穿啥都跟她的曲線搭, Everything you wear matches her curve. 好多人在排隊我忘裡面插... A lot ofpeople were waiting in line and I forgot to insert it. 坐下聽我唱歌給你 想要體驗嗎? Sit down and listen to me sing. Do you want to experience it? 有音樂和我在的地方就像舉辦praty Where I am with music is like Praty 時間烘乾傷口早已變疤, Time has already scarred the wound. 情不自禁伸手摘下地獄彼岸花。 I cant help but reach out and pick the flowers from the other side of hell. 其他人(他看你你看他) Others (he looks at you and you see him) 集體秘密許願一起繼續擠院壩.... Collective secret wish to continue squeezing the dam together. 你是bad girl...聽最屌的rapper? Youre bad girl... listen to rapper? 不會對你關門兒。 背叛是never...... It wont close the door to you. Betrayal is never... verse3 Verse3 一邊迎接勝利一邊填滿我的安全感 Fill in my sense of security while welcoming victory 沒考慮路途多蜿蜒多遠 Not considering how winding the road is 要給愛訂期限一千年短 To set a time limit of one thousand years for love. 沒你我像航行在沙漠裡的帆船擱淺 Without you, I am like a sailboat grounded in the desert 過程就像麻醉劑滲透 The process is like anesthetic penetration. 是對獵物的問候 Greetings to prey 掙扎反而更痛學不會逆來順受 Struggle is more painful to learn, and will not be resigned to adversity. 是獵人也是困獸對手都把我恨透 Hunters and trapped opponents hate me. 始終學不會改變 Always learn and never change. 為了改變所以奮鬥 Strive for change 跟他們從不匹配 Not to match them. 哥們威力猛幾倍 Brothers are several times more powerful 白天我拿著麥克風 I hold a microphone during the day 幹掉一切晚上哄你睡 Kill all the nights and get you to sleep 有時急迫卻沒話題憋了很多大迷惑 Sometimes its urgent, but its not a topic. Its a lot of confusion. 孤獨不是與生俱來 Loneliness is not innate. 是從遇見你那一刻 It was the moment I met you. 偏執他鑄就 Paranoia casts in him. 我性格堅持加速後 My personality has accelerated. 當遇見你那秒鐘 When I met you that second 我體溫達到三十八度六 I have a temperature of 38 degrees.6. 描繪不出大體讓人上癮身體軟 Cant depict a general addictive body soft 眼睛為你下雨心里為你撐起傘 Eyes for you to rain, heart for you to hold an umbrella verse4 Verse4 我把把平凡忍著 就算靈感很多 Ill put up with the ordinary even if its inspired a lot. 擺在我的歌詞裡混著零散 Put it in my lyrics and mix it up. 嘴上說穩得穩的空氣儘管冷了 The steady air on the lips is cold. 充滿著期待又迷茫心情該怎麼平緩 How to be calm with expectation and confusion 永遠對熱愛的不膩 Never tired of loving. 為你能打破上限還有我的負荷度 For you to break the ceiling and my load 遊戲慢慢變的快無趣 The game slowly becomes dull and fast. 沒有理由沒有原因沒有不得不 There is no reason, no reason, no necessity. 沒有人能把我想去的路隔住 No one can block the way I want to go. 這條路上有些人會 變得不再純粹 Some people will become less pure along the way. 為了得到夜不能寐 In order to get sleepless at night 我是狩獵的獵人 I am a hunter. 瞄準接著扣下扳機 Aim and then pull the trigger. 緊跟著讓獵物沉睡 Keep the prey to sleep