- FloatingSoul浮魂 echo scope 歌詞
- FloatingSoul浮魂
- 編曲: FloatingSoul浮魂
製作/混音:illumi 製作/混音:illumi 每當深夜獨自一個噶時候 每當深夜獨自一個噶時候 講出噶說話再沒辦法回頭 講出噶說話再沒辦法回頭 盼望緊握帶有餘溫噶雙手 盼望緊握帶有餘溫噶雙手 冇法彌補從而感覺到內疚 冇法彌補從而感覺到內疚 對你噶感覺嘗試抽離分離遠離 對你噶感覺嘗試抽離分離遠離 忘不了屬於你那熟悉氣味 忘不了屬於你那熟悉氣味 直到當天失去了知覺 直到當天失去了知覺 溫馨畫面不段重播 溫馨畫面不段重播 再也無法兌現承諾 再也無法兌現承諾 失去左你以後落寞 失去左你以後落寞 若將逝去噶靈魂幻化作萬千櫻花 若將逝去噶靈魂幻化作萬千櫻花 願我可以再與你將那段記憶留下 願我可以再與你將那段記憶留下
眾生皆苦荊棘滿地 All are in the suffering 人潮中你我注定成為彼此羈絆 We will be all we need 緊鎖內心的你 You dont want to reveal yourself 如佇立在風中孤獨的戰士 standing alone in the wind like a solitary soldier 在我記憶深處 Cant disappear forever 日夜輾轉思忖 Deepen in my head closer and closer
你我不再一如往昔 We are not the same as before 談何容易 Its really not that simple to get rid of all 在暴風雨夜下共你出逃 outside bondage from the world 直至被桎梏降服 Until surrender to the thorns 才默然舔舐傷口 Only silently licked the wound 一起經歷這個世界的浪漫與荒蕪 l recognize nothing can't be solve
嘗試掙脫牢籠 Run away from the cage 逃避頹敗的現實 Run away from difficulties I can't take 我的生活支離破碎 My life is falling apart 內心麻不不仁 But I am still feeling so numb
深陷於你雙眸 Still Contact my eyes 在你的世界裡感同身受撫平傷口 fall deep inside 願羽化成你生命裡的光 I wanna be your light 所謂的救世主和謊言 the savior and the lie 我都不會買賬 I wont buy 唯有我能撫平你內心的疤痕 Can you let me feel your pain inside 賦予這場暗無天日的存在一個漫長行進的意義 Wipe your pain inside
Hey Im so sorry my baby Hey Im so sorry my baby you tell me 怎麼可能把你忘記 you tell me 怎麼可能把你忘記 曾經你對我說you are my one and only 曾經你對我說you are my one and only but now you開始leave me feel so lonely but now you開始leave me feel so lonely I dont a want let you go I dont a want let you go you know that baby i feel love you so you know that baby i feel love you so I dont a want let you go I dont a want let you go Please come back 絕對不會讓你走 Please come back 絕對不會讓你走
喧囂中我看見你跳動的孤寂 I'm still screaming out 磕磕絆絆靈魂失散 “why always in chaos” 錯落的意識與被籠罩著的情緒 Life's a mess ,I can 't find the way out 還有那不敢脫下的面具 The mask Inserted in the face 浮躁空氣下是不安的靈魂 Restless souls waiting to be saved 我需要一個存在的理由 I need a reason for living 意識到存在乃是虛無 To realize life is a wonderful lie 離體的魂魄逐漸遠逝 Swallowing me alive 世俗的人與事匪夷所思 The stranger thing I can't define 讓我變成行屍走肉的失語者 The drugs can't take me higher 如何為你消除內心的恐懼 How can I hide your fears 如何為你劈荊斬刺 How can I wipe your tear 請再次喚醒我 Please wake me up
深陷於你雙眸 Contact my eyes 在你的世界裡感同身受撫平傷口 fall deep inside 願羽化成你生命裡的光 I wanna be your light 所謂的救世主和謊言 The savior and the lie 我都不會買賬 I wont buy 唯有我能撫平你內心的疤痕 Can you let me feel your pain inside 賦予這場暗無天日的存在一個漫長行進的意義 Wipe your pain inside 感受我的寂寥 Feel your pain inside 還原你我溫暖如光的靈魂 Find a way to survive