- 鍾單 Everything I never told U 歌詞
- 鍾單
- Prod by :UknowMeBC
Mix by :陳喜劇 You do leave me in silence tell me why? And when I come back. Dawn streets dim light I'm so sad. Because you lie to me, Because you hurt me. You just want to leave me. I feel so tired. 看著那手機裡你和我過期的舊照片 停留在微信的記錄裡 熟悉的你隔著好遠距離 也許你早已經不在意我 你此刻在哪里和誰在一起 每個沒有你的夢裡全都是折磨 只有我在珍惜每一個夜裡 放映機裡出現過的一點和一滴ye 刪不掉的回憶燃燒我軀殼 靠著香煙和冰鎮的可樂 在維持平日里emo的生活 不繼續猜不再期待 該收起對你的思念成災 走向我抱緊我離開 緊握的玻璃杯摔壞 You do leave me in silence tell me why? And when I come back. Dawn streets dim light I'm so sad. Because you lie to me, Because you hurt me. You just want to leave me. I feel so tired. 你走之後我的世界都充斥著酒精 你說你會變成那夜空中的流星 如果抬頭能看見你算我有幸 星星的對話我都會去偷聽 他們說見過你在天上見過你 夜幕中云霧裡飛快的劃過去 我期待再有一次被你深夜來電把我從我沒有你的睡夢中吵醒 可是每次當我打開手機失落感覺總是輾轉反側難受的要命 我期待我所期待的一切都有期可待就算是我心存最後一絲僥倖 我知道該來的總會來你走了是解脫對我來說活著才是我的報應 wo 我沒把你保護好怪我沒想到 wo 我始終找不到去不了你去的地方 You do leave me in silence tell me why? And when I come back. Dawn streets dim light I'm so sad. Because you lie to me, Because you hurt me. You just want to leave me. I feel so tired. You are so lonely But you said a person is good Cry to yourself then you smile to people You are so lonely But you said a person is good Cry to yourself then you smile to people 你和我逐漸減少了對話 怎麼又讓你的心情變差 只顧著問你跟誰在哪忽略掉你身體一直都欠佳 你說你沒事啦沒事啦 不過是就偶爾掉一掉頭髮 不要再大驚小怪 根本就犯不上去醫院檢查 想送給你戒指能一生相伴 卻突然間接到你病危通知單 我的眼前只剩下一片黑暗 一片黑暗 一片黑暗