- 1-OF 挪維斯 歌詞
- 1-OF
- Aint nobody gonna think ure crazy
總自以為瘋狂 What u gonna do is over culminating 不過是想一夜成名 Everytime see dat canvas been painting 每當看到已完成的畫布 U thought dat u should take away it 你就想著佔為己有 Dats true its late hit me on the race 的確總認為時間不夠就拔苗助長 Slow it down for what u may taste 但仍應放慢腳步品嚐所經歷的事情 別再催腳步也已破碎 仍太過卑微別緊閉雙眼忙碌在荒野 Just take urself out from this frantic game 把自己從虛幻的遊戲中拽出來吧 Don't be misleading wreck 別等到最終撞毀 Don't need to slap on what u get hang on 不需要一味否定所擁有的一切 And oh be faithful vanish till we make dat 保持信仰並韜光養晦吧 Checking when taking every step 看清所走的每一步 Upbringing what u gonna take 細心培養心愛的事物 U gonna hang on if u let get down 我希望你能堅持往前 And oh Please don't ruin convention what we take back 並不要一味摒棄保守觀念 Can I just slip so oh 就這麼順勢而為吧 It started when im young 很久以前開始就這樣了 Gonna fly but I cant run 想要瞬間收穫果實 Always be anxious in competition cant figure what I want 在競爭中焦慮不已甚至無法分辨自己想要的是什麼 When I grew up find it so hard 成長過程中發現越發困難 Not enough time do all these stuffs 總焦慮於時間的不足 Don't wanna stop then let it **** up though can 't undertake don't wanna lose chance 寧願在忙亂中搞砸也不願放棄機會 Dats wrong ur lost they will treat u as u get drunk 那或許是錯的或許早已迷失了 Pick it pick it while leeking leeking 竹籃打水一場空 Work hard to get down down 精疲力盡卻不進反退 Dats fake nounce for fake rappers 而反觀一些事物卻很疑惑 Six months to be in center where's real standard where's real standard 所謂一夜成名的人又以何種標準付出了努力呢 別再催腳步也已破碎 仍太過卑微別緊閉雙眼忙碌在荒野 Just take urself out from this franticgame 把自己從虛幻的遊戲中拽出來吧 Don't be misleading Wreck 別等到最終撞毀 Don't need to slap on what u get hang on 不需要一味否定所擁有的一切 And oh be faithful vanish till we make dat 保持信仰並韜光養晦吧 Checking when taking every step 看清所走的每一步 Upbringing what u gonna take 細心培養心愛的事物 U gonna hang on if u let get down 我希望你能堅持往前 And oh Please don't ruin convention what we take back 並不要一味摒棄保守觀念 Can I just slip so oh 就這麼順勢而為吧 [02:46.004] triffle gonna be big stuff got no sense but can't stop 或許沒有什麼是小菜一碟 We slow down not stand up not keep up don't use up 放慢腳步把握節奏別一開始就耗盡力氣 Cant undertake not give up want go up then mess up 盲目向前只會陷入混亂 U speed it up crash down when steps by steps go way up 欲速則不達不積小流無以成江海 作詞:Heechy 作曲:Suz , Heechy 編曲:Suz 混音:Suz