- High Valley plastic Jesus 歌詞
- High Valley
- 人聲: High Valley
. 在儀錶盤上跳動 Bouncin' on the dashboard 隨著節奏 Boppin' to the beat 伴隨著路上的每一個顛簸 To every bump in the road 街上的每一個洞 Every hole in the street 在沃爾瑪看到的 Bought him at the Walmart 打折的時候買的 Got 'em on sale 最後放在了一隻積滿灰塵的架子上 The last one sittin' on the dusty shelf 這只是一個小小的雕像... 但我們錯過了它的意義... It's just a tiny figurine... But are we missin' what it means... 我們的脖子上戴著十字架 . 手中拿著聖經 We got crosses on our necks 當太陽升起的時候 And Bibles in hand 我們有自己的計劃 When the sun comes up 我們需要他的時候就把叫他出來 We make our own plans 不需要的時候就讓他回去 Pull Him out when we need Him 這不是對待上帝唯一的兒子的方式 Put Him back when we're done 我們只是去聽 That ain't no way to treat God's only Son... 那些使我們高興的話 If we only wanna hear him 那我們還不如去向 When His word will please us 一個塑料假耶穌禱告 Then we might as well be prayin' to a Plastic Jesus 老傑克遜小姐 . 在街區的盡頭 Ol' Miss Jackson 她把自己的生活 At the end of the block 建立在那塊信仰的岩石上 She built her life 她每天都這樣走 Upon that rock 堅定不移 Everyday of the week 當她去佈道的時候 She walks that walk 聖靈在說話 And when she goes to speak 這對我們有好處,提醒著我們 The spirit talks 這不僅僅是周日早上的事 It do us some good to heed that warning It ain't just about Sunday morning 我們的脖子上戴著十字架 . 手中拿著聖經 We got crosses on our necks 當太陽升起的時候 And Bibles in hand 我們有自己的計劃 When the sun comes up 我們需要他的時候就把叫他出來 We make our own plans 不需要的時候就讓他回去 Pull Him out when we need Him 這不是對待上帝唯一的兒子的方式 Put Him back when we're done 我們只是去聽 That ain't no way to treat God's only Son... 那些使我們高興的話 If we only wanna hear Him 那我們還不如去向 When His word will please us 一個塑料假耶穌禱告 Then we might as well be prayin' to a Plastic Jesus 主啊,你知道我們會過得更好 . 如果我們能放棄一切... Lord, knows we'd be better off If we could just surrender all... 我們的脖子上戴著十字架 . 手中拿著聖經 We got crosses on our necks 當太陽升起的時候 And Bibles in hand 我們有自己的計劃 When the sun comes up 我們需要他的時候就把叫他出來 We make our own plans 不需要的時候就讓他回去 Pull Him out when we need Him 這不是對待上帝唯一的兒子的方式 Put Him back when we're done That ain't no way to treat God's only Son.... 我們的脖子上戴著十字架 . 手中拿著聖經 Got crosses on our necks 當太陽升起的時候 And Bibles in hand 我們有自己的計劃 When the sun comes up 我們需要他的時候就把叫他出來 We make our own plans 不需要的時候就讓他回去 Pull Him out when we need Him 這不是對待上帝唯一的兒子的方式 Put Him back when we're done 我們只是去聽 That ain't no way to treat God's only Son.... 那些使我們高興的話 If we only wanna hear Him 那我們還不如去向 When His word will please us 一個塑料假耶穌禱告 Then we might as well be prayin' to a Plastic Jesus 我需要你,耶穌 . I need You Jesus .