- Sasha Sloan Adult 歌詞
- Sasha Sloan
- I used to hope one day I'd be rich
曾經的夢想是今後要成為有錢人 But now I'm happy if I have somewhere to sit 但現在要是能有我容身之所我就能很滿足 Used to get drunk and wake up feeling refreshed 曾經喝得爛醉如泥醒來照樣神清氣爽 But now I have a drink and can't get out of bed 可現在一旦醉得不省人事就再也下不來床
'Cause it finally hurts being hungover 終於體會到宿醉的痛苦 But it's still not worse than being sober 但這起碼好過人生清醒在世
Being an adult is f!cking hard 成年人的世界實在是煎熬 I'm still holding onto my mom's credit card 現在還依靠母親的信用卡來過活 No one ever told me growing up gets kinda lonely 不曾有人告訴過我成長的過程時常伴隨著孤獨 Being an adult is f!cking hard 成年人的世界實在是煎熬
I used to think by now I'd be a mom 當初還以為現在是當媽的年紀 Just turned 26 and can barely feed my dog 才剛二十六歲卻連狗都養不活 I used to put down a Big Mac and some fries 曾經會忍著不吃巨無霸漢堡和薯條 Now just the thought of it will go straight to my thighs 現在每當想到就感覺體重在腿部增加
Guess my body's finally moving slower 看來我已不再如當初那樣敏捷 I'm regretting that tattoo on my shoulder 開始後悔曾經在肩上紋紋身
Being an adult is f!cking hard 成年人的世界實在是煎熬 I 'm still holding onto my mom's credit card 現在還依靠母親的信用卡來過活 No one ever told me growing up gets kinda lonely 不曾有人告訴過我成長的過程時常伴隨著孤獨 Being an adult is f!cking hard 成年人的世界實在是煎熬 It's f!cking hard 這滋味真不好受
Yeah, ooh Ooh
I never thought I'd grow up so fast 沒想過這麼短的時間我就已長大成人 But I'm hoping the best comes last 但還是希望將來能迎接最精彩的人生
Being an adult is f!cking hard 成年人的世界實在是煎熬 I'm still holding onto my mom's credit card 現在還依靠母親的信用卡來過活 No one ever toldme growing up gets kinda lonely 不曾有人告訴過我成長的過程時常伴隨著孤獨 Being an adult is f!cking hard 成年人的世界實在是煎熬 It's f!cking hard 這滋味真不好受 It's f!cking hard 這滋味真不好受
I never thought I'd grow up so fast 沒想過這麼短的時間我就已長大成人 But I'm hoping the best comes last 但還是希望將來能迎接最精彩的人生