- Lowke Dre MECT 歌詞
- Lowke Dre
- Mix by JiaoYanPears孫次郎
Prod by TroubleBoi Record by SoulMade Studio Picture by LZC Crew NOFACELD Lowke 2 da D.R.E hook Let me be robbed of my memory 就讓我的回憶被洗劫一空叭 Throw my love out of the galaxy 再將我心之所愛投擲到銀河系叭 I have no right to be so choosy 我根本都沒得選鴨 Mark it out 恢復出廠設置 Delete it 刪完 MECT 無抽搐電休克治療 MECT I love it to death 我愛死這治療了 任何事情 我全都搞砸 MECT I hate it to death 我也恨死這治療了 沒有原因 我墜入懸崖 verse1 When I wake up 夢醒時分 I am recalling the past I want 我在盡力去回味我所想要的夢境片段 Try to forget the ones I don't want 試著去遺忘我唾棄的瞬間 I mma amnesiac 我是個健忘鬼 Memory loss is a common occurrence 失憶乃家常便飯 I remember I was going to die young 我就記得住我會英年早逝 I'm gonna be a legend 記得住我終將成為傳奇人物 Shine bright like a diamond 記得終將像鑽石一樣奪目 Sell my soul to the demon 記得將靈魂販賣給了惡魔 其他我全不記得 A steady job with a steady income 擁有份穩定收入的穩定工作 This is what you want me to be 是你們想要我成為的樣子 But if you can really see what I've done 但如果你真的見證過我的偉大我的作為 Would you please think again about what I should be 你會再考慮一下我究竟會成為何種人物嗎? Heartless, living not tired 沒心沒肺,瀟灑活著 That's what I need 那才是我想要的 I'm a freak who enjoys torture 我是個痴迷受盡折磨的奇葩 Enjoying Lucifer spoke in a husky whisper 享受著魔鬼在耳邊的微弱低語 「Does the treatment hurt a lot, doc?」 「治療很疼嗎醫生?」 「Will I die in the process...?」 「我會在治療中死掉嗎…?」 「Take it easy, kid.」 「放輕鬆孩子。」 「You'll be all right soon.」 「你很快就會好起來的。」 「You have my word...」 「我向你保證…」 hook Let me be robbed of my memory 就讓我的回憶被洗劫一空叭 Throw my love out of the galaxy 再將我心之所愛投擲到銀河系叭 I have no right to be so choosy 我根本都沒得選鴨 Mark it out 恢復出廠設置 Delete it 刪完 MECT 無抽搐電休克治療 MECT I love it to death 我愛死這治療了 任何事情 我全都搞砸 MECT I hate it to death 我也恨死這治療了 沒有原因 我墜入懸崖 verse2 Unknown things were flowing through my system 未知的想法在我的體內流淌著 Muscle tone has fallen 肌肉張力逐漸下降 The electricity hits the brain 大腦注入電流 I'm hallucinating like I 'm on 可樂 我就像喝過量可樂一樣出現了不可描述的幻覺 This may be the so-called 21 Club 或許這就是所謂的21俱樂部 I am just 21 years old this year 然而我今年剛好21歲 Died at 21, like Juice Wrld 要不像Juice Wrld一樣將年齡定格在了21歲 To die in a hurry, without any detail 突然間不明不白的離開世界 Treatment after treatment did not kill me 無數次的治療沒能送走我 But I remember painful things,moment after moment 但是我無時無刻都記得住的痛苦事情 These are the things that kill me 這些事情可以隨時置我於死地 How I wish it was just a lucid dream 我多希望現在發生的一切只是個清醒夢鴨 RIP Juice Wrld