- 2 CO 小紅 16(more than 16 remix) 歌詞
- 2 CO 小紅
- 16 Miruns LJH /Cing
Give me piece of paper Takes some notes on it Come to me later Im gaining knowledge More than they get I will see More than they get faithfully More than they get nobody More than they get everything 16 一下就16 發生太多太多依舊枉曲直湊 那段時間困擾我的是脫髮而不是做不到衣錦食肉 沒有辦法當我被欺騙,忍受旁人的唾棄之後 中考失利一中失之交臂,還丟了最愛的鑰匙扣 still dont give a fxxk about those bxxches 等我一步一步打好地基 你現在的樣子早不關心 台下見到你的時候吐了一地 去年依舊沒能敞開心扉 當別人對我傾訴damn 他們口是心非 畢竟每天都是玉走金飛 奔馳寶馬不是都一樣哪怕我開金 ,thats what i need,不是一樣走在這條大路上 thats what i need ,不是一樣大家都要怕故障 yeah,每天依舊感覺很疲憊 yeah,還在和規則保持敵對 Give me piece of paper Takes some notes on it Come to me later Im gaining knowledge More than they get I will see More than they get faithfully More than they get nobody More than they get everything I made my first song at my sixteen My first love was at my sixteen I be a big thang at my 16 Whether at school or in the hip-hop ring I try to do the best give my fans fresh.Make my mother happy even earn more cash The more I fail, the more I got dread Can't be useless, So I always check myself 020516成為我的密碼 一直研究如何更好活在當 被父母責罵而違背良心反抗 我也知道沖動時會說出氣話 16年了我的夢想還在計劃 當時達芬奇都開始練習繪畫 年少輕狂而付出的代價 記憶被時間淡化 他們的愛一直留下 曾一味地展望未來,卻不曾考慮現在,逃避一系列挫敗,和我homie一起前進並排 無奈無奈,18年已經過半,我不在像塵埃徘徊