- Skee-Lo Now You See My Life 歌詞
- Deuce Skee-Lo
- There once was a kid name of Deuce
從前有個名叫Deuce的孩子 Who got sick and tired of being picked on 飽受世人的排擠與欺凌 So he got himself a nice twenty-two 但他在22歲時發布了自己的專輯 Click boom now he's on the ******* news 因此他得到了大家的關注,卻也使他處於輿論的中央 Now who's the king of these rap acts American bad ass 現將改朝換代,說唱潮流會迎來新的主人 They say he's a class act no wonder he's jabbed at Kid Rock 擁有傑出的成就但並非所有人都如此認同 That's why they put me up in lights and I rap back 這就是粉絲們狂熱追隨的原因,Deuce即將回歸 And half these critics wanna mimic my crack-ass 有人東施效顰般的模仿我 He ain't no cynic but he knows where your dads at 有人憤世嫉俗卻無法出淤泥而不染 They ain't go fini*******ng till they send you to Baghdad 他們排擠我,憎恨我 And minute by minute they go pull you right in it 每分每秒的將我推向他們所認為正確的世界 You go end up at clinics because they put you on Scene 他們讓我覺得自己已經病態 But don't you worry I'm back yeah Deuce is back with a black hat 但別擔心,在人群之中的我很容易認出,Deuce即將回歸 Cape and a black cat baby I'm the new Ba*******an 披風和帽子,寶貝我將成為新的主宰 (ooh) You know only Angie can grab that (ooh)你們只知道安吉·伍茲奎茲可令人著迷 I don't need no groupies trying a grab at my pants 此時的我也不再需要樂隊的其他成員,我只聽命於自己 Hoping I'm a go back and taxi that 堅持你們的初心,我正回歸 I ain't ending up in no place with no bad rash 世人將尊敬我,我將進入上層社會 How come I get laughed at by media trash bags 即使我被世人所嘲笑 Just because I'm white and I sing like I'm half-black 只不過天妒英才罷了 Now you see my life and it looks so pretty looks so pretty 現在你們看見了我的生活,它看起來是如此的美好 You want what you can't have and you know that's too damn bad 你總想去支配別人但你知道這是多麼的可笑嗎 Try and take my pride we both know that's silly know that's silly 你們將我從我組建的樂隊趕走,這是多麼的可笑,多麼的無恥 You want what you can't have and you know that's too damn bad 你總想得到那些遙不可及的東西,你知道這是多麼愚蠢的嗎 I'm gonna make it no matter how long it takes me 我傾盡所有希望讓這一切變得更好 I'm sick of lower living I can't allow it to break me 我身處污穢但絕不同流合污 My neighbors hate me all they do is just make me 我的鄰居所做的一切都使我厭惡,雖然他們也未曾喜歡過我 Bounce back get on my hustle achieving great things 我儘自己所能去做得更好 An architect building my future watching it grow 憑藉努力去創造著屬於自己的未來 Reaching out to the youth and I'm teaching me what I know 我遵守社會的法則 I done seen a lot a people do anything for the dough 但卻看見世人為了金錢不擇手段 Even rob steal kill good girls that turned pro 甚至偷殺搶盜也是被允許的 Good fellas turned stick-up kids I used to know 搶劫年幼孩子的消息令我習以為常 Little Bobby graduated and college he couldn't go 警察也非神聖的職業,從警校畢業卻無法進入大學 The Earth rotates a thousand thirty seven and a third 但生活亦是如此 Cops pull us over tonight I'm on the curb 為了生存不得不鋌而走險 Getting handcuffed deputies searching for contraband 被戴上了手銬靜候著裁決 I'm face-down talking to God he understands 我向上帝祈禱希望它能原諒我的過錯 Tomorrow I'm a start a new life a changed man 新的生活即將開始而我亦將改變 But tonight I might be going to jail for eight grams (and) 但今晚就會是我新生的開始 Now you see my life and it looks so pretty looks so pretty 現在你們看見了我的生活,它看起來是如此的美好 You want what you can't have and you know that's too damn bad 你總想得到那些你無法擁有的東西,即使你知道需要不擇手段 Try and take my pride we both know that's silly know that's silly 你奪走了我的榮譽,世人都知道那是卑鄙愚蠢的 You want what you can't have and you know that's too damn bad 但你仍想得到本不屬於你的東西,即使它們對你毫無價值 I was born to rip *******t born with too much wit 我出身卑微但才智過人 Thats why they call me the Wiz Kid 'cause I drop hits 這就是他們稱我為天才的原因,因為我未曾深造 Mimic me I'm too sick you can't hang I'm too quick 我特立獨行無法模仿 What's my name Deuce * ****** its the new *******t 卻總有人懷小人之心度君子之腹 Leaving egos bruised and yeah your trapped your stupid 忘記了傷痛你又愚蠢的重蹈覆轍 Trying a step in in my shoes but its foolish 你辦事的方法如圖刻舟求劍一般愚蠢 I'm cuckoo homey I got screws loose 我如同布穀鳥一樣自由 ******* Tool you can kiss my ass too ******* 你只能向我俯首稱臣 You and your Dr Phil affiliates 你和你所謂的成就 You're worth two cents of my time and 在我眼裡一文不值 A few bars so move ******* 進入我的夜生活你會發現 As long as I'm doing music 我會像創作音樂時一樣持久 I'm a be a nuisance 會令你筋疲力盡 Its a new movement 只不過環境有所不同 Now you see my life and it looks so pretty looks so pretty 現在你看見了我的生活,它看起來是如此的美好 You want what you can' t have and you know that's too damn bad 你總想去支配別人但你知道這是多麼的可笑嗎 Try and take my pride we both know that's silly know that's silly 你們將我從我組建的樂隊趕走,這是多麼的可笑,多麼的無恥 You want what you can't have and you know that's too damn bad 你總想得到那些遙不可及的東西,你知道這是多麼愚蠢的嗎 Now you see my life and it looks so pretty looks so pretty 現在你看見了我的生活,它看起來是如此的美好 You want what you can't have and you know that's too damn bad 你總想得到那些你無法擁有的東西,即使你知道需要不擇手段 Try and take my pride we both know that's silly know that's silly 你奪走了我的榮譽我們都知道那是卑鄙愚蠢的 You want what you can't have and youknow that's too damn bad 但你仍想得到本不屬於你的東西,即使它們對你毫無價值