- Choitree **** THE MONK 歌詞
- Choitree
- 當迷霧彌散開的時候
蒙蔽住你的雙眼的是虛構 當慾望變膨脹的時候 沉淪在陰霾成了苦囚 霓虹氾濫喧囂的路口 我歇斯底里無助嘶吼 突然你從背後抓住我 沉默寡言讓我跟你走
**** the m**k Visited asylum showed fake smile ** ** the m**k I'll feed you to the hounds Please **** me m**k Please **** me m**k Then I can find out how stinky you smell **** the m**k You eat flesh and bloody cock **** the m**k Aspiring after beauty but not hook Please **** me m**k Please **** me m**k You are provoking one you never should do anymore
跟我走跟我走 沒有愁也沒有憂 請你跟我走隨我修長衣袖 尋覓你夢寐以求的皮囊 跟我走跟我走 大悲咒賽肉酒 從今不愁今日往後 告別悲憫的狗
當念珠泛銅光的時候 垂頭掩面你亂語胡謅 當花園旺香火的時候 人們虔誠滿盈俯著首 手持犍錘安撫著骷髏 你面無改色祈禱永壽 我見衣衫襤褸的背後 藏著掩面而笑的蠻寇
** ** the m**k Visited asylum showed fake smile **** the m**k I'll feed you to the hounds Please **** me m** k Please **** me m**k Then I can find out how stinky you smell **** the m**k You eat flesh and bloody cock **** the m**k Aspiring after beauty but not hook Please **** me m**k Please **** me m**k You are provoking one you never should do anymore **** the m**k Visited asylum showed fake smile **** the m**k I'll feed you to the hounds Please **** me m**k Please **** me m**k Then I can find out how stinky you smell **** the m**k You eat flesh and bloody cock **** the m**k Aspiring after beauty but not hook Please **** me m**k Please **** me m**k You are provoking one you never should do anymore
(你別說你現在需要什麼這個物質那個物質) (人活著能自由自在的就是一種幸福)