- GARABATTO Infected 歌詞
- Trying to ignore the pain
嘗試著通過注入新事物 By forcing new things inside my brain 來忽略傷痛 Is it real or just satisfaction 究竟是真實還是欣慰? Is this love or just attraction 究竟是真愛還是好感? Fixing myself with more mistakes 只能用更多謊言欺騙自己 Nothing to lose nothing at stake 一無所有無牽無掛 Living in the moment 活在當下 Sweet with a bitter after taste 嘗盡甜中帶苦的生活
是去是留? Should I stay or should I walk away 藥物能緩解但毒藥亦能讓你迷失 Medicine helps but the drugs make you insane 我已經團團糟 Messed me up 大腦不受控制 Infected my brain 擺脫不掉 Infected my brain 你將我搞的一團糟還深深植入腦海 You got me messed up infected my brain 搞的一團遭還深深地 You got me messed up infected my 深深地記住這傷痛 Infected my brain 每次身陷困難
傷痛都會提醒著我是因你 Every mistake I run into 回首以往 Painfully reminds me of you 那些美好時光 Replaying old memories 卻早已時過境遷 Of the glory days 迷失於所做之事 Memories stay but people change 沉醉於心煩意亂 Lost in all these actions 讓我麻木不仁 Lost in these distractions 狼狽不堪 Got me feeling way 祈禱回憶淡忘褪盡 Oh you got me messed up 但卻 Wishing memories would fade 往往不如人願 But it just don't work 是去是留? That way 藥物能緩解但毒藥亦能讓你迷失
我已經團團糟 Should I stay or should I walk away 大腦不受控制 Medicine helps but the drugs make you insane 擺脫不掉 Messed me up 你將我搞的一團糟還深深植入腦海 Infected my brain 搞的一團遭還深深地 Infected my brain 深深地記住這傷痛 You got me messed up infected my brain You got me messed up infected my Infected my brain