- Kings of Convenience rocky trail 歌詞
- Kings of Convenience
- One more time
最後一次 Let's say you give me one more time 請你再給予我最後的機會 One last chance to speak again 最後一次與你重啟話匣的機會 Let's start from what we left unsaid 就從未曾啟齒留存心間的那些話語談起吧
即刻開始 And here we go 足夠勇敢至爬上那高聳的牆櫓連寒冬的日光也無法穿越 Brave enough to go climbing a wall so high that no sunlight is seen through winter 足夠勇敢至隨性漫遊世界甚至不需要準備食宿的費用 Brave enough to go travelling around the world without money to eat or sleep for 親眼見證自己可以用雙手創造怎樣的奇蹟我想這是毋庸置疑的 Seeing what you can do with your hands and feet, I feel there is no question about it 任何你可以想像到的幾乎所有目標你都會鍥而不捨去實現 Almost anything you can imagine, almost any goal, you will get there 多希望你是那種健談的人而不是終日緘默不語
多希望你並非那種躲閃他人目光的人而是能在目光交織一瞬讀懂那人內心 I wish you had been more of a talker, not the kind that is just flapping his lips 也許你應該向我傾訴自己的肩頭還有一個世界需要支撐 And not the kind that looks away, but learns through his eyes when somebody's watching 也許我們該幫你分擔這份重負我知道這並不容易但你未曾知曉
我認為你的鞋履足夠結實耐磨 Maybe you could've told me, there was a world on your shoulders that needed lifting 可以伴隨你去到每一條路徑的盡頭 Maybe I could have helped you with that, the weight is not easy I know, but you never know 我認為你的身體足夠強壯
我本該將你帶領至林間石路的終點 I thought your shoes were good 將你帶領至林間石路的終點 I thought they would take you to the end of any road 將你帶領至林間石路的終點 I thought your back was strong 我又怎能知曉 I should have carried you to the top of the rocky trail 糾纏著你的問題和不堪的負荷 Carried you to the top of the rocky trail 我被你所展現的模樣所迷惑盲目 I should have carried you back to the top of the rocky trail 我等待著你亟待傾訴的話語可我不曾過問
我又怎能知曉 How am I to know 糾纏著你的問題和不堪的負荷 About your problems and your load? 我被你所展現的模樣所迷惑盲目 I am blind to what you show 我等待著你亟待傾訴的話語可我不曾過問 I am waiting to be told, I never ask How am I to know About your problems and your load? I am blind to what you show I am waiting to be told, I never ask