- Ngoma Quake 徘徊在世界之巔 歌詞
- 蔣京逾 鶴子Mia Ngoma Quake
- 編曲: Ngoma Quake
製作人: 蔣京逾 Digital Editing:周陽@Matrxex Studio 翻閱過山巔赤腳想念你的夢境 瀑布身在海邊只剩腳印和回音 蟲鳴雨林帶我穿過了你 我掉進這寂靜的深海裡 追尋腳印彷彿一切變得清晰 鯨魚卻與我一同歌唱 I fell into the deep sea of silence 此刻我也與她一起潛水 I follow the whales and sing with me 寶藏等著我們發現 I would dive with it now 我此刻才明白 treasure is wait to be found 答案一直都在我心裡 Now I know I know 我掉進這寂靜的深海裡 The answer's lies in my heart 鯨魚卻與我一同歌唱 I fell into the deep sea of silence 此刻我也與她一起潛水 I follow the whales and sing with me 寶藏等著我們發現 I would dive with it now 我此刻才明白 treasure is wait to be found 答案一直都在我心裡 Now I know I know The answer's lies in my heart 翻閱過山巔赤腳想念你的夢境 瀑布身在海邊只剩腳印和回音 蟲鳴雨林帶我穿過了你 我掉進這寂靜的深海裡 追尋腳印彷彿一切變得清晰 鯨魚卻與我一同歌唱 I fell into the deep sea of silence 此刻我也與她一起潛水 I follow the whales and sing with me 寶藏等著我們發現 I would dive with it now 我此刻才明白 treasure is wait to be found Now I know I know The answer's lies in my heart Lies in my heart Lies in my heart Lies in my heart 混音師: Nacid@Matrxex Studio 母帶工程師: Nacid@Matrxex Studio 封面: 李新穎