- The Dead Weather 60 feet tall 歌詞
- The Dead Weather
你殘忍而無恥 Youre so cruel and shameless 但我不能放任你 But I cant leave you be 你冷漠而危險 Youre so cold and dangerous 我不能放任你如此 I cant leave you be 我貪戀著 You got the kind of loving 你的愛 I need constantly 在我的摩托上親熱 Hooked up to my motor 一整天 All day long 我們去Texas We go down to Texas 和Montreal Up to Montreal 兩雙盲目愚蠢的眼睛 Two eyes none the wiser 暗潮洶湧 In the deep 當水開始升溫 When the water gets hotter 雙手蠢蠢欲動 Both hands in the deep 你吸引著我 You got my attention 你的一切 You got it all 我願意冒險 I can take the trouble 我飄飄欲仙 Im 60 feet tall 我知道這很難 I know it aint easy 我要勾出你的罪惡 I must tap your evil well 因為男孩,你來勢洶洶 Cos boy, do you come roaring 像蝙蝠飛出地獄 Like a bat out of hell 你讓我魯莽而盲目 You drive me so reckless 你比任何人都耀眼 Youll kill us all 我願意冒險 I can take the trouble 我要你愛上我 Ill take you on 我願意冒險 I can take the trouble 我飄飄欲仙 Im 60 feet tall 你殘忍而無恥 Youre so cruel and shameless 而我不能放任你 But I can let leave you be 你冷漠而危險 Youre so cold and dangerous 我不能放任你 But I cant leave you be 我貪戀著 You got the kind of loving 你的愛 I need constantly 我願意冒險 I can take the trouble 因為我飄飄欲仙 Cos Im 60 feet 飄飄欲仙 Tall