- Emperor With Strength I Burn 歌詞
- Emperor
- Deep Green Dark Chaos
在暗綠色的混沌之地 Blinded I run down these paths 我盲目的奔跑在這條路上 By heart I know them 但我心裡清楚 They lead to the soaring cliffs 它們通向那巍峨的懸崖 Stout they stand above the water's edge 磅礴的矗立在大海盡頭 Lifeless... 在一片巨大的死寂裡 And this is my foundation 我的依據是這些 Cold stone 冰冷的石頭 Formed only by winds and time 僅由風和時間合成 How invulnerable 多麼無懈可擊 Lifeless… 這死寂中的秩序
I have longed to be at one with this 我渴望與其融為一體 Yet, the waters call my name 然而,那片水域已在呼喚我的名 For once I wish to see 我渴望看一眼 The entity behind the voice 那聲音背後的實體 The face of this seduction 這誘惑使人痛苦 The beauty of my pain 這痛苦卻是崇高的美麗 Am I blessed or am I cursed by thy presence? 你的存在於我是庇佑還是詛咒? What is my crime? 什麼是我的罪? What is my deed? 依據什麼而定? Is this life my redemption? 這生命會成為我的救贖嗎? Shall I repent or proceed? 我該停下來懺悔或是繼續? I hate my flesh 我恨我的肉體 Its dimension poisoned my soul with doubt 它的尺度毒害了我的靈魂 It made me question the essence of... 使我對人的本質充滿懷疑
The 'I' 這個——“我” Slaves are those of this world 附屬於這個世界的奴隸啊 Given freedom to lay the chains upon The Master 將自由鐐銬般交給了主人 The wolf is no longer free 狼不會再擁有自己的意志 Release the chains and come for me 被解開了束縛,朝我而來
Suddenly, his mournful cries were stunned. “ 忽然,他哀怮的哭聲停止了 Out of the cold mist came three enthralling ships. 冰冷的霧色中駛出三艘攝人心魄的船隻 Sails torn by many a storm, and the bows adorned 千瘡百孔的船帆透露著往昔殘酷的風暴 by the most fierce gargoyles he'd ever laid eyes upon. 而船首則裝飾著凡人不敢直視的怪物 Yet,thecrewthey bore... Three times twelve in numbers. 三艘船各載著十二人,他們披著灰色的舊長袍 They stood motionless, wrapped in grey, worn gowns. 一動不動的站著,在晦暗的臉龐後面 And from behind their shadowed faces the seductive chanting. 傳出若有似無卻令人神往的歌吟 Bidding him on board. without hesitation,he accepted . 他毫不遲疑的接受了招攬 And away they sailed... 就這樣,他們啟航了……”
Upon these seas 在這片海洋上 Wherein I drowned so many times 我曾淹歿過許多次 I scatter the ashes of destiny 我在那裡拋灑盡命運的灰燼 Still my flame is in hunger 胸中的火焰卻始終飢渴 With fire in my heart 愈演愈烈,無法止息 Shall I greet the shores ahead 我應該向那未知的海岸發出致意 Though, I know not what will burn... 儘管我並不清楚什麼將會被點燃
In the distance 在這裡我已聽見 I hear the waves wash over solid ground 遠方的海浪沖刷著堅硬的陸地 And in this moment I am struck blind 而在這一刻裡我被擊盲 Grant me sight so I can see 賜予我景象,我便能夠看清 That which lies ahead of me 那些呈現在我眼前的事物 Cursed be my mortal eyes 被詛咒的是我這必死者的雙眼 For dying in this realm of death 在這個死亡的王國中死去
Hear my call! 垂聽我的呼喊!
I return to the soaring cliffs 我重返那巍峨的懸崖 They truly shine of strength 他們真正的力量閃耀 Even though I nothing learned 儘管我無法學到什麼 With strength I burn... 伴隨那股力量我燃燒……