- JOJO (CRUX) 聖誕不剩單 歌詞
- 錄製: Unidyne Studio
混音: 無小語
This is a merry Christmas song To the ones you care To the ones you love
Merry Christmas, everybody (祝福每一個人聖誕快樂!) season of present but I am still in lonely (交換禮物的季節我仍孤身一人) Merry Christmas, everybody (祝福每一個人聖誕快樂!) season of love but I have no body (愛的季節我還是孑然一身)
這幾年的聖誕節, 我都是在墨爾本獨自過 甚至都呆在我家裡, 中國人不過這節也沒有錯 沒必要把一切節日 都過成像是個情人節 儘管生活無聊的像 每天都在吃雞蛋炒番茄 但是今年的情況對我而言 有些許不一樣 前陣子偶然認識一個漂亮的姑娘 我最近老是掛嘴邊 每一天講幾遍 朋友們耳朵都起了繭,煩厭 不想默默留下遺憾, 都在著急我的不果斷 somebody said hey bro, 不如一起做自由自在的單身狗 I said oh no, that girl is an angel she's so special. 突然女孩打來Phone Call, 居然邀請我去她的聖誕party for chill Yo bro! It's time for a big show! The very last year was my first Christmas here (往昔聖誕留墨愁) I was walking down the street and lonely was how I felt (獨步街頭,淒上心頭) Weather's hot as Sahara but to me is not Instead it's like me sink in Mariana (熱浪炎如沙漠,心卻溺於深海) This year things here are becoming different (今朝非同昔比) Just met someone special back in a moment (巧遇窈窕佳人) Struggling I am to find a gift for you, (置禮困吾多日) I played to be cool, feeling myself's a fool oh no no! (欲行瀟灑卻懼班門弄斧) Stay up late at the nights and waiting call that from you (夜深未眠只怕錯失汝喚) Sweetie your voice makes me like a fish in a pool (願遨遊於蜜聲細語之中) The message from u just Lighted up my mistletoe , (一如聖光萬頃誕於吾心) Girl u must be the ginning in the magic bottle (無欲無求應是良辰美景) I would even brave to die for you right in abattle (在所不辭只為換得美人嫣然一笑) Cause everything I'm craving for u Just got them all (竭盡所能乃至獻出一切) Oh baby! My heart is beating! (聞吾心聲) Let me find a way to your heart, (至爾心田) I have faith in what I 've seen in our future (願汝與吾之心同) Trust me, and dive in Just follow my lead That's all u gonna need (必將攜手前行) All I want for 25th is u alright (爾為吾之聖禮) Wake up every single morning with u in my sight (盼於夢醒時分)
Girl I know u have things to do (且知莫去驚擾) but I'll wait u here till that day come babe the day u come to me (只願一眼萬年) u worth them every minute, I'm here for u (靜候佳人)
The gates of Heaven , must be open I think I saw an angel just walk by (少年見羅敷,脫帽著帩頭) I heard a blind man screaming and say Now there goes a sight for my sore eyes (行者見羅敷,下擔捋髭鬚) Merry Christmas everybody Specifically to the one you're caring (聖誕快樂至吾思) Merry Christmas everybody Specifically to the one you're loving (聖誕快樂至吾愛)
Merry Christmas! To the ones you care (聖誕快樂至吾思) To the ones you love (聖誕快樂至吾愛)