- Yoari Searching for Reasons Why 歌詞
- Yoari
- 編曲: 김태민
所有記憶紛紛湧現 All this memories rise 而滴滴淚珠徐徐緩緩 The teardrop flowing 由你臉頰滑落 down your face 籠罩在面紗後的笑容 Smile behind the veil 直指我的心臟 Aim for my heart 我心知將會疼痛不已 I know it will hurt 努力去探尋因由所在 Searching for reasons why 讓我來予你指示平安度過此夜 Let me just lead you through this night 這無盡的時光劃上句點 End of this endless time 唯有我們能再憧憬期許一回 Only we could dream once more 傷痛苦楚會持續令你低迷不振 Constantly pain will drag you down 哪怕穿過迷宮豁然開朗 Though this maze 也不會將疑團輕鬆解開 wouldn't end up now 我想找到你的所在 I want to find you now 在這條漫漫長路 On this way 努力去探尋因由所在 Searching for reasons why 讓我來予你指示平安度過此夜 Let me just lead you through this night 這無盡的時光劃上句點 End of this endless time 唯有我們能再憧憬期許一回 Only we could dream once more 傷痛苦楚會持續令你低迷不振 Constantly pain will drag you down 哪怕穿過迷宮豁然開朗 Through this maze 也不會將疑團輕鬆解開 wouldn't end up now 我想找到你的所在 I want to find you now 在這條漫漫長路 On this way