- shuri 黑夜杀死了我的蝴蝶(demo) 歌詞
- shuri
- (採樣均來自於電影《火車上的女孩》)
(“I picked everything in that house…I picked everything in that house…”) Used to live Used to live Used to live alive but not real 曾鮮明地活著卻又似虛無 Come to me Come to me Come to me say “time to go” 你向我走來對我說“該出發了” So came apart in my hands 就在我手中支離破碎吧 Don't tell me such a lie 無需再把如此謊言講給我聽 Remember what I said 記住我說過的話 Do things dat what I like 只做我喜歡的事 We both played a fool 我們都在扮演著愚蠢之人 I was nothing to lose 反正我已沒什麼可失去 Something to choose something to lose 選擇同等於失去 It was so fair the liar told u “your dream will come true” 再公平不過瞭如同那騙子告訴你“你的美夢會成真” 灰色雲霧繚繞那來自夜空的味道 絢爛的夜晚總喧囂也抵不過你一人吵鬧 在這個本該屬於著你的午夜 我卻又像是一隻蝴蝶 面露凶光要挾等恩准或是拒絕 戲份愈演愈烈霸占故事主角 漫漫黑夜嬉皮笑臉**** 到你枕邊 你總是無法湮滅我的臉我的眼 卻又非常了解我的語言 淋濕你的眼眶像滴雨點 仰視你的肩膀又消失不見 不會囉囉嗦嗦“要想著我愛著我” 倘若是我不說你也會在做 oh wait oh wait 別再問我是誰 漆黑傀儡撕不碎的脊背 oh wait oh wait 別再問我是誰 以為有路可退 oh sorry請別被我支配 不灑脫要如何才可以費力取悅你 不是我愛囉嗦就不用再繼續聯繫 快去問問這世界所蘊藏的星與夜究竟有多濃烈佔領多大面積 就像你曾告訴我的真的一切都會變糾纏的愛戀 又再背影浮現不如再也不見 但願我見你一面看你的臉 真的假的黑的白的拋在一邊 眼前本是虛無心本再無去處 看不清的那光景與那一草一木 也罷無須多言苦全部悄悄藏進肚 我只需要負責無助的哭訴 越是黑的夜反而越是清醒 不願意讓你一人孤苦伶仃 他不信他不聽來自熾熱的一顆心 他不幸留了名在失落的山頂 (“I…I could never find the words to describe how I felt when I read that e-mail.But this morning,I did,I did……!”) Used to live Used to live Used to live alive but not real 曾鮮明地活著卻又似虛無 Come to me Come to me Come to me say “time to go” 你向我走來對我說“該出發了” So came apart in my hands 就在我手中支離破碎吧 Don't tell me such a lie 無需再把如此謊言講給我聽 Remember what I said 記住我說過的話 Do things dat what I like 只做我喜歡的事 We both played a fool 我們都在扮演著愚蠢之人 I was nothing to lose 反正我已沒什麼可失去 Something to choose something to lose 選擇同等於失去 It was so fair the liar told u “your dream will come true” 再公平不過瞭如同那騙子告訴你“你的美夢會成真” 我從不是個惡鬼痴心絕對 只想和你moreday成雙入對 若你頭也不後回 不後悔丟你的位置 那就這樣為你提供百種way 直到萬物沉醉你才能贖罪 別太慌張babe 都是妄想babe 一切都是假象懷著你的懺悔 若要我的原諒就吻我的嘴 oh damn shawty u might need me I came here while u were sleep then call u“1 &only” when I'm not here drvin crazy 我知道你為我著迷 眼神中溢出了愛意 如同夜半上漲的潮汐 請與我注意保持著距離 oh wait oh wait 別再問我是誰 漆黑傀儡撕不碎的脊背 oh wait oh wait 別再問我是誰 以為有路可退 oh sorry請別被我支配 Used to live Used to live Used to live alive but not real 曾鮮明地活著卻又似虛無 Come to me Come to me Come to me say “time to go” 你向我走來對我說“該出發了” So came apart in my hands 就在我手中支離破碎吧 Don't tell me such a lie 無需再把如此謊言講給我聽 Remember what I said 記住我說過的話 Do things dat what I like 只做我喜歡的事 We both played a fool 我們都在扮演著愚蠢之人 I was nothing to lose 反正我已沒什麼可失去 Something to choose something to lose 選擇同等於失去 It was so fair the liar told u “your dream will come true” 再公平不過瞭如同那騙子告訴你“你的美夢會成真” (“I…Betraying her husband,I felt…I felt it…I felt,pure,rage…”) ——night killed my butterflies