- 云云眾聲musical 雲次方—夜之樂章&劇院魅影 歌詞
- 坤崙 柒韻霜 云云眾聲musical
- The Music of The Night + The Phantom of The Opera |《夜之樂章&劇院魅影》(選自音樂劇歌劇魅影)
翻唱版本:聲入人心-阿雲嘎&鄭雲龍 作詞:Charles Hart 作曲:Andrew Lloyd Webber 編曲:張筱真&宋堃 翻唱:柒韻霜(Cover鄭雲龍)、坤崙(Cover阿雲嘎) 美工:拌麵|題字:眠|混音:諾曦兮 視頻後期:蛋頭|文案:多情公子、玄及 ——云云眾聲團出品—— 柒韻霜:Nighttime sharpens heightens each sensation 夜色漸暗激發靈感 Darkness stirs and wakes imagination 黑暗作祟喚醒想像空間 Silently the senses abandon their defenses 潛移默化感官放棄抵抗 坤崙:Slowly gently night unfurls its splendor 緩緩的輕柔的夜色展現光彩 Grasp it sense it tremulous and tender 抓住它感受它顫栗而輕柔 Turn your face away form the garish light of day 別再回顧炫彩奪目的白天 Turn your thoughts away from cold unfeeling light 別再想那些冷酷無情的光線 And listen to the music of the night 聆聽這暗夜的樂章吧 柒韻霜:Let your mind start to journey through a strange new world 讓思想到奇異新世界暢遊 坤崙:Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before 拋開你對俗世往昔的幻想 合:Let your soul take you where you long to be 讓靈魂指引你去那個嚮往的地方 合:Turn your face away form the garish light of day 別再回顧炫彩奪目的白天 Turn your thoughts away from cold unfeeling light 別再想那些冷酷無情的光線 And listen to the music of the night 聆聽這暗夜的樂章吧 柒韻霜:In sleep he sang to me 沉睡中聽到他的吟唱 In dreams he came 睡夢中他踏歌而來 That voice which calls to me 那聲音在呼喚著我 And speaks my name 呼喊著我的名字 And do I dream again 是我又在做夢嗎 For now I find 但現在的我卻發現 合:The phantom of the opera is there 劇院魅影就在那兒 柒韻霜:Inside my mind 在我的心中 坤崙:Sing once again with me 再一次與我歌唱吧 Our strange duet 我倆非同尋常的二重奏 My power over you 讓我的力量陪伴著你 Grows stronger yet 更加茁壯的成長 And though you turn from me 雖然你轉身離去 To glance behind 只留給我匆匆一瞥 合:The phantom of the opera is there 但劇院魅影已在這兒 Inside your mind 在你的心中 柒韻霜:Inside your mind 在你的心中 坤崙:Inside your mind 在你的心中 合: Inside your mind 在你的心中