- HD Ramen Lo-Fi and Bebop 歌詞
- HD Ramen
聽我一句勸,別緊繃神經. I'm telling you, don't tense up. 若我雙手無力,該如何撂倒他人? How am I supposed to knock someone out when my hand is all limp? 這與力量無關,你得急緩相間. It's not about strength or power, you have to be fluid. 啊? - 如行雲流水般. Huh? - You have to be like water. 明我所言之意嗎? - 毫無頭緒.
我想也是. You see what I'm saying? - Not even a little bit. 你緊繃神經, 而我悠然自得 That's what I thought. 你急於功成,過度耗力
而我將那股力量運用的恰到好處. You're tense, I'm calm. You apply excessive force I control that force through fluid motion. 'Sample:Cowboy Bebop Ep8'